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Category Archive: Fitness

How to Add More Weight to Your Workout

Let’s face it. You could spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on home gym equipment . If you’re a passionate fitness enthusiast or athlete, this could be well worth the investment. However, it’s not necessary for the average person looking for ways to mix up their fitness routine to reinvent the wheel. There are many ways to add more weight to your favorite exercises without needing to buy new equipment.

Brunette Woman Doing Some Push Ups At The Gym

Alternate HIIT and LISS

If you dread cardio, it’s time to switch things up. High intensity interval training is an effective way to boost metabolism and save time by performing cardio exercises at 100% intensity for short bursts with small breaks in-between. Tabata is a popular form with 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for at least four minutes non-stop. While intense, it gets the job done quickly. Conversely, low-intensity, steady-state cardio incorporates non-stop movement at a less intense pace, ideally at a heart rate of around 50-65% of your maximum.

Mix and Match Sets, Reps, and Tempo

The same exercise can be performed with an entirely different outcome when you mix and match three variables: sets, reps, and tempo. During my training at the National Academy of Sports Medicine, we learned how to incorporate the Optimum Performance Training Model, a five-phased system of exercise that walks you through the following stages of fitness in either a progressive or undulated fashion:

  • Balance and stabilization
  • Muscular Endurance
  • Hypertrophy
  • Maximal strength
  • Power

While a certified personal trainer can help you fine-tune this type of training, the key to keep in mind is lower weight = higher repetition and higher weight = lower repetition.

When you add resistance, new muscle growth is promoted, while lower weight with more repetitions encourages endurance. Furthermore, switching up the tempo challenges the muscles in different ways. For instance, instead of a steady-pace bicep curl, lift up quickly and lower the weight slowly, go up and down slowly, etc. By changing these variables from one day to the next, you introduce new types of movement that improve fitness.

Explore Isometric Exercise

Want to increase your ability to hold resistance for longer periods of time or increase muscle stability? Consider incorporating isometric exercises into your routine. Put simply, this is the practice of holding any particular move. Going back to the bicep curl example, lift the weights halfway and hold. You can apply a static hold to just about any of your favorite exercises, and there are many that are isometric in nature like planks.

Turn Everyday Household Items Into Gym Equipment

While buying equipment like adjustable dumbbells can be an effective way to save space and increase exercise variety, there are plenty of things you already have lying around the house that can easily serve as gym equipment.

Instead of hand weights, try:

  • Soup cans
  • Milk jugs
  • Water bottles

Instead of a resistance tube or band, try:

  • A towel
  • A rope
  • An item of clothing

Instead of friction-reducing sliders, try:

  • Socks
  • Paper towels
  • Paper plates

Instead of a fitness class, try:

  • Turning house cleaning into a workout.

For example, a 30-minute workout could be broken down into:

  • Ten minutes of vacuum for arms and shoulders
  • Ten minutes of cleaning windows from top to bottom for abs, back, and buns
  • Ten minutes of gardening, scrubbing the floor, and anything else that requires you to squat for legs

Build Muscle with Drop Sets

If your weight training has become bland, or you just aren’t experiencing a challenge, try drop sets. This is an excellent way to build muscle and add challenge. You’ll need at least three sets of weights whether that be using equipment you already have or by getting creative with household items as discussed above.

Here’s how it works:

  • Do as many reps as you can with the heaviest weight.
  • Using the middle resistance level, try to perform four or more additional reps.
  • Using the lightest weight, try to perform yet another four or more reps.

This routine can be repeated after a break, or you can move onto a drop set of another exercise.

Optimizing Exercise Based on Time of Day

Did you know the time of day you workout can make a difference in the effectiveness of your workout? If you’re not experiencing the success you’d like in your fitness journey, consider the following guidelines:

  • Flip on your fat-burning switch, decrease appetite, and improve your circadian rhythm with morning cardio.
  • Burn more calories with an afternoon workout.
  • Improve muscle gain with evening weight training.

Of course, if your schedule prohibits you from following these tips, it’s always better to workout at any time of day than not at all!

How to Create and Maintain Strong Daily Habits for Lifelong Health

Close-up portrait of laughing brunette girl in beige sweater drinkingThe new year is a time for planning a fresh approach to health, nutrition, wellness and exercise. While it is true that many people set lofty goals for themselves and subsequently set themselves up for failure, there is a way to set reachable, sustainable goals that will improve your health and increase your confidence. In this article, you will learn how to create a health and wellness plan you can stick to into the new year and beyond.

New Year, New Me?

Many people’s fitness routine gets thrown off due to tempting foods and drinks, as well as disruption of fitness routines due to travel and (well-deserved) time off from work. For these reasons, it’s no secret that gyms and fitness studios see an uptick in new memberships around the new year. In fact, around 44% of Americans say they are likely to make a new year’s resolution, and of that percent, 13% have goals related to exercise (NPR, 2018). But how many of those new attendees keep up with their plans? By July, it turns out that 41% of people surveyed who made new year’s resolutions had given up completely (Newswise, 2021).

“Over the years I’ve built a following of clients that are serious about theirhealth and fitness as that’s the tone and expectation I set from day one. With that said, there’s always an attitude of ‘let’s get serious about fitness’ from my clients on the tail end of the holidays and at the start of the new year, which I think is important and I encourage,” said Christian Graham, certified personal trainer and owner of Body360 Fit Personal Training in West Hollywood, California.

It can be transformational to harness this motivation, and people can increase the likelihood that they will stick with their resolution throughout the year by making the experience fun, challenging, and rewarding. For example, consider starting a fitness challenge with family, friends and/or coworkers in which you all agree to work out a certain number of hours per week or minutes per day, either alone or (safely) together. The winners can be eligible for a prize or bragging rights. Using Zoom or other online modalities to host live workout sessions can also make it so that you’re exercising safely no matter where you are.

If you prefer one-on-one interactions, consider having an accountability coach or partner. Your accountability partner can help you adhere to diet and exercise goals you set out at the start of the year (Heath, 2020). Having accountability partners can make people feel more empowered and can help keep the experience more private for those who may feel uncomfortable doing this in a group setting. Your accountability partner can be someone you know, or a professional, like a personal trainer. Experts recommend choosing an accountability partner who has achieved what you’re aiming to achieve already, whether that is weight loss, mind-body connection, or has just effectively integrated exercise into their daily life (Heath, 2020).

“The biggest benefits [of personal training] are the motivation, program customization, and the help a trainer can provide for getting through the ups and downs of a typical client’s fitness journey. Having a coach who is invested in your success, will be there for you and is knowledgeable and knows exactly how to help for your specific situation is incredibly beneficial,” said Chris “Protein” Leach, owner of Chris Protein Personal Training. “The social aspect helps people enjoy working out more, and this is one of the most motivating factors for working out, because if you enjoy something you are a lot more likely to stick to it.”

Finding Your Why

The first step to cultivating an effective routine is to identify the reasons why you want to partake in the routine in the first place. Your reasons may be health-related, mental health-related, socially-motivated, aesthetically-related, a combination of one or more of these reasons, or something else altogether. It’s crucial to identify your reasons for partaking in exercise, diet and wellness goals to begin with.

Physical Health-Related Benefits

Health-related reasons for partaking in exercise include losing weight, maintaining cardiovascular health, managing chronic disease, and more. Chronic diseases include diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia, COPD, cardiovascular disease osteoporosis, and chronic pain. If you are still young and/or healthy, regular exercise can help you prevent chronic disease (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). For people who are already living with chronic disease, exercise can help mitigate pain, regulate toilet and sleeping habits, and help relieve other symptoms. For example, researchers found that it is possible that people with Alzheimer’s disease who exercised regularly could prevent memory loss (Graff-Radford, 2021).

People who exercise regularly experience less decline in their mental function and reduce their risk of getting Alzheimer’s in the first place (Graff-Radford, 2021). Beyond Alzheimer’s, engaging in physical activity has numerous other benefits–research shows that people who work out regularly die later (Warburton, Nicol, & Bredin, 2006). Working out can also help you increase the strength of your heart by lowering blood pressure, stopping or slowing the development of diabetes, and reducing inflammation (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2021). Need another unexpected benefit to working out? If you smoke, it can help you quit. Researchers have found that as people get fitter, they often quit smoking–and fit people are less likely to start smoking in the first place, and smoking is a top risk factor for cardiovascular disease (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2021).

Fitness Girl in Athletic Workout Clothes Doing a Plank

Mental Health-Related Benefits

The promise of releasing feel-good hormones is another reason why people may want to engage in exercise. Exercise is beneficial for maintaining positive mental health, helping to reduce depression, schizophrenia, and anxiety (Sharma, Madaan, & Petty, 2006). The benefits don’t stop there–regular exercise also helps people overcome low self-esteem and social withdrawal. Research has shown that 30 minutes of moderate exercise three times per week can help people increase their energy levels, reduce their stress levels, increase their interest in sex, and improve their mood. The best part is that the 30 minutes of exercise doesn’t need to be continuous–it can be broken down into smaller parts throughout the day. For example, a brisk walk for 10 minutes, three times in the day (Fogarty, Happell, & Pinikahana, 2004).

Social-Related Benefits

There are so many ways to build social relationships while also exercising. For example, you can join a running club, a kickball league, or attend fitness classes to meet new people and build existing relationships. Knowing there are people waiting for you can help increase your motivation and likelihood to adhere to your routine.

“Sometimes people work out to unwind by themselves, and sometimes they crave the social interaction that classes and leagues can bring,” said Melinda Kennedy, a fitness instructor in Los Angeles, California. “Seeing people, going through that communal experience of working out together for half an hour or an hour can build camaraderie and be good for mental and social health.”

If you’re feeling unsafe with the ongoing pandemic, you can host or join these events virtually. Online modalities make it easy to connect with people outside of your area and across the world.

“Lots of people set fitness goals for the new year, and we get a lot of people who want help achieving them. In general, the extrinsic motivation derived from new years resolutions is transient–however, the way we go about setting and achieving fitness goals at my gym helps people adhere to them better,” said Leach.

Aesthetic-Related Benefits

If you are motivated by the promise of changing your physique, you would be engaging in exercise due to aesthetic reasons. Regular, weight-bearing exercise can lead to muscle growth and can change the way you look. If you are looking to drop some pounds, make sure you are prioritizing cardio as well as weight-bearing exercises. If you think that lifting heavy weights at the gym is the only way to shed excess weight, think again. Brisk walking, jogging, running, swimming, and cycling are all great ways to work out. If you haven’t worked out in a while, you will want to start small and build up from there to avoid overexerting yourself and risking injury. Always make sure to get clearance from your healthcare provider before starting a new fitness regimen.

You don’t need a lot of fancy equipment to get started, either. Plenty of common household items can be used to work out, and you can design a whole workout routine to be done at home.Woman Drinking a Homemade Green Detox Juice Wearing Sport Clothing

Starting Small

Many people fail because they get too overwhelmed with a new routine. However, research tells us that exercising just 20 to 30 minutes per day can have great benefits. If you want to follow the science, you should work out for 22 minutes, to be exact.

The trainer responsible for training the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recommends a full-body workout that can be done at home. It involves five minutes of cardio (think short bursts of High-Intensity Interval Training), eight minutes of strength training (using free weights or your body weight–think pushups, squats, rows and the like), five more minutes of cardio, then finishing off with four minutes of stretching (Aubrey, 2019).

After you have successfully started small, you can switch up the programming, engage in challenges, and monitor your progress.

“I use a combination of techniques and strategies to keep clients interested whether it be 30-day to 12-week Transformation Challenges or regular FMS (Functional Movement Screen) assessments to monitor mobility, flexibility, strength and movement patterns,” added Graham. “I’ve found these tools and assessments to be helpful in evaluating a client’s progress and most importantly to create an ongoing feedback loop. It’s all about communication, programming and moving forward.”

Easing into a Sustainable Routine

Now that you have started small, you will want to maximize the likelihood that you stick with your goals well past the new year. This involves setting up a sustainable routine. Many people schedule workouts as they do doctor’s appointments and work meetings. That way, they are less likely to break them or shift their workout time around (or cancel it completely) to accommodate other events. For example, if you know that you are more likely to have the time to work out on Saturday mornings, schedule your workouts during that time and make sure your roommates, partner, children and others close to you know that is your uninterrupted time to yourself. This may seem more challenging (or near impossible) for those with young children, but making a plan and schedule with your partner, family members or babysitter can help you carve out this time for yourself on a regular basis.

“When setting new year’s goals, focus on your success with the habits that get you the result you want. For instance, if you want to lose weight, don’t hyperfocus on the weight loss,” Leach added. “While measuring it is important, your main focus should be on the habits that get you there, like working out x times per week, eating nutrient-dense foods, and so on. Instead of having a goal of ‘lose 10 lbs’, set a goal of working out three times a week, and eating a serving of lean protein and veggies at every meal.”

Athletic Young Man Running


The new year is a clean slate, and for many, a time for being more intentional with our goals, health and how we spend our time. To set better goals and be more likely to achieve them, first identify why you want to engage in the activity. When things get tough, you should remind yourself of why you began. In addition, consider starting small and setting up a sustainable routine. Seek out accountability partners, coaches, or professional personal trainers to assist you in working out and eating the right way, in addition to keeping you on track. Finally, make working out fun by integrating a social element (like workout classes, or leagues) and consider making a bet or challenge with family, friends, neighbors, and/or coworkers. When things get tough throughout the course of this year, having a solid workout and wellness routine to fall back on can help you overcome the most challenging of circumstances and relieve stress.

Author Bio: Nicki Karimpour, PHD

Contributor and Health Advisor 

Dr. Nicki Karimipour is a communications expert and experienced researcher. She obtained her master’s degree and Ph.D. in Health Communications from the University of Florida. She has previous experience in writing and editing for both print and online publications, and almost a decade of experience in teaching health writing, public health, and public relations at the undergraduate and graduate level. She is based in Los Angeles, California and currently works at the University of Southern California as a director of communications and clinical research. Follow her on Twitter: @NickiKPhD



Aubrey, A., 2019. This 22-Minute Workout Has Everything You Need. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021. Physical Activity Prevents Chronic Disease. Retrieved from

Fogarty, M., Happell, B., & Pinikahana, J., 2004. The benefits of an exercise program for people with schizophrenia: a pilot study. Psychiatr Rehabil J., 28:173–176

Graff-Radford, J., 2021. Alzheimer’s Disease: Can Exercise Prevent Memory Loss? Retrieved from

Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2021. 7 Heart Benefits of Exercise. Retrieved from

Newswise, 2021. National Survey about New Year’s Resolutions Shows Despite the Pandemic, 62% of Americans Expect to Enjoy Better Health in 2022. Retrieved from

NPR, 2018. NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll National Tables November 28th through December 4th, 2018. Retrieved from

Sharma, A., Madaan, V., & Petty, F.D., 2006. Exercise for Mental Health. The Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 8(2), 106. Retrieved from

Warburton, D.E.R., Nicol, C.W., & Bredin, S.D., 2006. Health Benefits of Physical Activity: The Evidence. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 174(6). Retrieved from

3 Easy Workouts for Busy People

Female In Blue Athletic Outfit Doing Fitness Exercises

As a personal trainer, one of the most common issues my clients approach me with is a lack of time. Let’s face it. We’ve got a lot going on, but it’s still possible to get in an effective workout in a short period of time with the proper planning and a little bit of know-how.


Before we take a look at three sample workouts you can squeeze into even the busiest of schedules, some ground rules must be established.

First, make sure you spend a little bit of time warming up before diving right in. This can be as simple as marching in place for a couple of minutes to get the synovial fluid flowing and the heart rate up. Secondly, take the time to do static stretching at the end of your workout. This will improve your range of motion and recovery time. Finally, never jump into a workout if you’re unsure of proper technique. Not only will complacency in improper form create bad habits in your overall fitness regimen, but it simultaneously depletes efficiency and targets the wrong muscle groups, a recipe for failure in reaching your goals.

The Ultimate Quickie: 4-Minute Tabata

Why spend hours doing steady-state cardio when you can increase the intensity and reap the same benefits more quickly? As a high intensity interval training instructor, I implement various forms of HIIT in my classes, and Tabata is a fan favorite.

Group of Fit Sports Men Doing Squat Bodyweight Workout Training

Pick eight cardio exercises.

Here is a sample:

  1. Jump Squats
  2. Mountain Climbers
  3. High Knees
  4. Tuck Jumps
  5. Burpees
  6. Jumping Jacks
  7. Plank Jacks
  8. Skater Lunges

If you are using a piece of cardio equipment like a treadmill or bike, these exercises can be replaced with all-out intensity sprints. This can also be a great option if you just have some sneakers and like to run outdoors.

Set a timer for 20 seconds, and give the exercise your 100% effort during that short amount of time.
Rest or walk for 10 seconds.
Perform all eight exercises for a four-minute workout scientifically proven to increase endurance, boost metabolism, and kickstart your day.

Pro Tip: Do Tabata HIIT early in the morning to regulate your circadian rhythm to promote great sleep at the right time.

10-Minute AMRAP for Strength Day

Strength training is sometimes overlooked, but it’s beneficial for men and women alike. Aside from building strong muscles, it’s critical in maintaining bone density and helps you burn more calories throughout the day, not just during exercise. When you do an AMRAP (as many reps as possible) training session, you can conquer an intense strength workout in a fraction of the time.

If your goal is to bulk, using equipment pushes the muscles to create tiny microtears that ultimately build back stronger, and we’ve created a thorough strength training equipment shopping guide here at FitRated to ensure you find the best fit for your goals. However, let’s take a look at a sample bodyweight AMRAP session to get you started.

Sporty Young Female Athlete on Yoga Mat doing Sit ups

Pick six exercises focusing on different muscle groups.

Depending on your goals and focus for the day, you have a lot of liberty. Here is a sample to get you started:

  1. Wide-Stance Squats
  2. Pushups
  3. Situps
  4. Lunges
  5. Right Lateral Leg Raises
  6. Left Lateral Leg Raises

Set a 10-minute timer.

Complete as many repetitions of each exercise to failure until time’s up with minimal breaks between exercises. Circle through the entire list as many times as possible.

Pro Tip: Do strength training in the early evening hours to tap into the body’s optimal hormonal condition for muscle gain.

20-Minute for the Multitasker

Don’t have time to do strength and cardio on separate days? Combining high-volume cardio with strength training can help you keep cortisol levels low and endurance high. Since you’ll be doing both strength and cardio the same day, you’ll need to set aside a little bit more time, but it’s a one-and-done approach that can save time in the long run.


Fit WomanTraining At Home

Pick 10 cardio and 10 strength exercises.

Depending on your access to equipment, your goals, and other variables, there are endless possibilities. Here’s an example for someone using bodyweight only.

  1. Cardio
  2. Skater Hops
  3. Burpees
  4. High Knees
  5. Butt Kickers
  6. Alternating Side Kicks
  7. Run in Place
  8. Frog Jumps
  9. Plank Jacks
  10. Front Kick, Back Kick (alternating legs)
  11. Switch Legs
  12. Strength
  13. Situps
  14. Glute Bridge
  15. Up and Down Planks
  16. Fire Hydrants
  17. Tricep Pushups
  18. Right Leg Lift Pulses
  19. Left Leg Lift Pulses
  20. Bicycle Crunches
  21. Donkey Kicks

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds with a 15 second break between each. Take a water break after 10 exercises.
You can decide whether to intersperse cardio and strength exercises or do them in two rounds separated by your water break.

Pro Tip: If your goal is building muscle, concurrent training isn’t advised. You can still achieve your goals on a tight schedule, but you’ll experience best results keeping your cardio and strength days separate.

Fitness Gifts for Every Personality Type

Got a fitness enthusiast on your shopping list? Maybe a close loved one need to get in better shape, and you’d like to foster their enthusiasm with the gift of the option to workout at home. Whether your fitness fan is an avid cardio aficionado, a bodybuilder, or anywhere in between, there’s certainly no shortage of gift ideas to explore. 

When shopping for someone who’s already on or planning a fitness journey as we move into 2022, balancing cardio and strength is important, so our primary goal is to narrow down the thousands of products on the market with both of these critical training components in mind. Of the hundreds of collective hours we’ve spent here at FitRated closely examining the top products on the market, we’ve filtered out all but five to best ensure you find the perfect solution for any personality type. These five products have diverse features to help you personalize your gift to match the unique needs and preferences of your loved one. All that’s left now is to let the 2021 holiday shopping begin!


In a hurry? Here are our top 5 picks for 2022 fitness gifts!


1. Bowflex C6 Best for the techy go-getter: Top-notch app connectivity on a solid frame at a fraction of the cost of competitors like Peloton keeps fitness varied and fun.

2. Bowflex Max Trainer M9 – Best for the whole family: High intensity, low impact workouts and variety in resistance training make it easy to switch things up and accommodate users of all fitness levels. Stats for up to four users can be stored.

3. Schwinn IC4  – Best for the one with limited space:  A solid, quiet machine that takes just over seven square feet makes for a viable exercise solution, even in the smallest spaces.

4. Bowflex SelectTech 552  – Best for the one who’s just starting out: A compact strength training solution with adjustable weights and free detailed video instruction is perfect for those new to weightlifting.

5. Schwinn 170  – Best for the one who keeps it simple: A lower price tag buys you a product that eliminates all the fancy frills and gets right into the nitty gritty of cardio, making it a perfect fit for people who aren’t interested in using technology as part of their fitness routine.

Top 5 Fitness Gifts for Every Personality Type

1. Best Fitness Gift for the Techy Go-Getter: Bowflex C6

“But exercise is booooring…”

Let’s face it. People make all kinds of excuses as to why they can’t exercise, and these excuses often boil down to a common root cause: a plateau in the current fitness regimen. This often comes in the form of simply getting bored with a seemingly perpetual routine that never changes. If you’re shopping for a fitness junkie who appreciates the explosion of fitness tech, the Bowflex C6 should be a top consideration on your list. 

The techy go-getter will appreciate the vast array of options in integrating their machine with apps that can help them mix things up. Best of all, many activate the reward system in the brain as exercise becomes more competitive with leaderboards to raise the bar, making exercise more satisfying. Not only will you be offering a fantastic machine, but it’s the gift that keeps giving as your loved one can save hundreds in expert fitness guidance as the C6 is compatible with:

Whether they prefer to work out on their own or increase the sense of competition in a group setting, these apps help mix things up. There are endless ways to track performance, and on-demand classes can go a long way in improving accountability without ever leaving the house. 

Strength and Cardio Covered in One Order

Something that sets the Bowflex C6 apart from comparable products on the market is that your order includes a pair of 3 lb. dumbbells with easy-reach cradles. When combined with 100 resistance levels, it’s possible to get both a cardio and strength workout in a single session. Since the C6 uses a magnetic resistance flywheel, the machine requires less maintenance and is quieter while in operation compared with direct contact alternatives. 


Is the Bowflex C6 hard to assemble?

The Bowflex C6 isn’t hard to assemble, but you might want to consider having two people if you anticipate the 112 lb. assembled weight being too difficult to manage on your own. In-home assembly is available for $129.

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2. Best Fitness Gift for the Whole Family: Bowflex Max Trainer M9

“Fitness is the key to a long life, and I want my family on board for the journey.”

Fitness gifts can get pricey. A great way to get the most bang for your buck is to buy a machine the whole family can use, and the Bowflex Max Trainer M9 checks all the boxes. A hybrid between an elliptical and stair stepper, it supports data tracking for up to four users. Since it features endless possibilities in exercise programming, it’s difficult to plateau, making it perfect for beginners and seasoned athletes alike. 

Younger users will appreciate the app integration possibilities as you can connect with Google Fit, MyFitnessPal, and many more. Those who prefer a more traditional experience will appreciate the built-in heart rate monitoring system. No matter your preferred workout planning method, the Max Trainer M9 allows for a full body HIIT experience for highly-effective calorie burn. Users of all ages can enjoy:

  • 4-grip handlebars
  • Low impact experience
  • 20 resistance levels and unlimited speed
  • Total body exercise with minimal footprint

Modern Features for Maximum Versatility

Although you don’t have to get technical to use the Bowflex Max Trainer M9, those who do enjoy all the extras can expand their horizons far beyond the confines of the living room. Through use of the JRNY app, users can take advantage of personalized workouts, on-demand classes, real-time coaching, tracking, and rewards. It’s worth noting a subscription isn’t required. The JRNY platform provides limited features through the console without a paid membership including manual mode, a fitness assessment workout, and a handful of videos. Considering professional personal training can run as high as $70+ per hour, the $149 yearly price tag is highly valuable. Combined with Bowflex’s limited time, 1-year free trial JRNY membership, you have nothing to lose…. except weight!

Compare the rest of the Max Trainer line here.

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3. Best Fitness Gift for the Apartment Dweller: Schwinn IC4

“I know I should exercise, but I have nowhere to put fitness equipment!”

The average apartment size in the United States is around 850 square feet. That’s not much space for your appliances and furniture, let alone bulky exercise equipment. If the fitness lover on your shopping list lives in an apartment, duplex, condo unit, or other residence with limited space, consider the Schwinn IC4. With a footprint of just over seven square feet and a height of 51.8 inches, it’s not hard to find somewhere to put it even in the tightest quarters. Best of all, if you live within close proximity to other tenants, the silent magnetic resistance makes for a quiet ride every time. Schwinn IC4 users also enjoy:

  • 40-lb. flywheel 
  • Customizable, dual-link SPD foot pedals and toe cages
  • Minimal maintenance

Making the Most of Minimal Space

There’s no doubt the Schwinn IC4 provides a compact cardio solution for the fitness enthusiast living in a small space. Although it wouldn’t appear at first glance, the machine provides strength opportunities, primarily due to the fact it’s not a recumbent bike. Some unique ways you can incorporate full-body strength into your cardio sessions include:

Upper Body- Do push ups on the handlebars as you simultaneously pedal.

Lower Body- Amp up the resistance, and take advantage of the higher levels of the 100 increments available.

Core- Tighten your abs, and place one hand on the handlebars and the other behind your back. Switch arms in intervals of 30 seconds to one minute.


Does the Schwinn IC4 have a height limit?

The Schwinn IC4 can accommodate users up to 6’6” or an inseam up to 39”.

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4. Best Dumbbells for Beginners: Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells

I want to get swole, but how do I even start?”

Got someone on your shopping list who does lots of cardio but lacks when it comes to strength training? Maybe they have fitness goals of increasing muscle mass. Weight training isn’t just for men, either. It prevents bone loss and can even stimulate bone growth, making it a great way to stave off the development of osteoporosis. 

Beginners often aren’t sure what to do with dumbbells or how heavy they should be, and that’s what makes the Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells the perfect solution. With your purchase comes a 1-year JRNY membership, a $149 value, that provides on-demand, trainer-led, whole-body workout videos. This gives you plenty of time to develop proper technique and explore workouts to strategically progress toward relevant goals before deciding on a paid subscription. Just a few additional features that help beginners get off to a great start include:

  • Solid rubber grip
  • Easy-to-use weight selection dials
  • Storage trays included

Precision Incremental Progression for the Long Haul

Building muscle takes time. First, you need to establish a good foundation with the right form. Over time, it’s necessary to increase weight as you progress in your fitness program. This can get expensive with traditional dumbbells as you’d have to continue to buy more as you get stronger, not to mention all the space it would start to take up in your home gym. The beauty in the SelectTech 552 Dumbbells is they are adjustable from 5 – 52.5 lbs. all in one piece of equipment.  

For the more advanced weightlifter on your shopping list, check out the Bowflex SelectTech 1090 Dumbbells. 


Can you purchase Bowflex 552 base separately if the original becomes lost or damaged?

Yes, Bowflex has parts for purchase. Although there isn’t an option to purchase a base online, customer service can put in a special request. 

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5. Best Fitness Gift for Friends Who Avoid the Frills: Schwinn 170

“Back in my day, we didn’t have fancy gadgets, and we got by just fine!”

There’s no point in paying for a bunch of extras if they’ll never get used. Does your gift recipient tend to shun high-tech features and stick to the old-fashioned way of doing things? Save some money and gift them with the Schwinn 170. Its magnetic resistance requires less maintenance, and, while not known for variety in app integration, users can keep their workouts exciting and varied with:

  • 29 on-board workout programs
  • 25 tension levels for precision progression and interval training
  • Grip heart rate sensor and compatibility with Polar wireless chest strap for heart rate training

Excellent Warranty for the Cost

Oftentimes with a lower cost comes an equally low warranty. Schwinn doesn’t hold back with the 170, though. You’re protected with 10 years on the frame, two years on parts, one year for electronics, and 90 days labor. You even get a six-week money-back guarantee. When used according to manufacturer guidelines, users weighing less than 300 lbs. can expect to enjoy years of effective cardio right at home. 


Is the Schwinn 170 bike seat comfortable?

There have been complaints that the seat is uncomfortable, and this isn’t surprising considering it’s an upright bike, and your weight is stacked directly on top of the seat. The good news is you can order a replacement like the Extra Comfort Bike Seat, perhaps a fun stocking stuffer to foreshadow the main gift to come!

Check Price

Which Equipment is Best for Weight Loss at Home?

When it comes to at-home weight loss, it’s important to keep in mind the concept of a balanced exercise regimen. One of the most common issues I’ve encountered in my career as a personal trainer is when a client wants to lose weight but dreads going to the gym. It usually only takes a little bit of probing to discover the client was thinking too narrowly in the exploration of their training options. 

To put it in another perspective, imagine trying to lose weight, but all you could eat were apples and carrots. Maybe those are your two favorite foods. However, it wouldn’t take long for you to start getting bored with the diet. The same thing can be true for fitness. When you do the same old thing every day, exercise becomes boring or even dreadful. That’s why it’s important to mix things up. The best equipment for weight loss is equipment that’ll actually be put to long-term use, and there are two key pointers to keep on track:

  • Cardio burns the most calories per session, and you can switch up intensity. From high intensity interval training to steady state sweat sessions, you can get an entirely different type of burn.
  • Strength training can improve metabolism in the long-term and should not be overlooked in a weight loss program.

In this 2021 holiday gift roundup, we’ve included both cardio and strength training products for a reason. The benefits of strength training are often ignored in relation to weight loss, and a lot of this has to do with the fact that a cardio session burns more calories than a strength training session. While cardio workouts satisfy our need for instant gratification in immediate calorie burn, multiple studies indicate a higher calorie burn throughout the rest of the day following strength training as well as a boosted resting metabolism for up to 38 hours. The same results were not true of cardio training. 

So, what does this tell us about the right equipment for weight loss? A well-balanced regimen that incorporates both strength and cardio is best, and finding a way to put that equipment to use that won’t get boring is key to consistency. Achieving variation at home is easier than ever with the growing number of fitness apps, many of which are free, that bring professional guidance to you at a fraction of the cost of traditional personal training and group exercise. 

How Will Supply Chain Issues Affect My Online Fitness Equipment Order?

Saying the past two years have been disruptive is an understatement. From worldwide city lockdowns and a surge in demand of fitness equipment to accommodate shelter-in-place exercise to shipping port closures and labor shortages, the inevitable result has been supply chain disruptions. Every step of the transport chain is critical, and, when any one component is disrupted, the entire system becomes backed up 

So, how can you circumnavigate supply chain disruptions to ensure your online fitness equipment order arrives on time for the holidays? The key is to plan ahead, shop early, and make note of who the manufacturer uses for shipping. Waiting too long can require you to pay extra for expedited shipping. 

Fitness Gift Shopping FAQs

How much space do you need for an exercise bike? 

As a general rule of thumb, reserving at least ten square feet is recommended for an exercise bike. Of course, there are exceptions like the Schwinn IC4 that takes up around seven square feet. If you have your sights set on a particular exercise bike, check the specs for the length and width to determine floor space. 

Is it okay to ask what someone wants for Christmas?

If you’re going for the element of surprise, it’s best not to ask, but this route requires a bit of research. Since you’re reading this, it’s safe to say you’re shopping for someone who values fitness. Ask probing questions to reveal what kind of exercise they enjoy, whether or not they use fitness technology, and how they balance strength and cardio training. Of course, if time is of the essence, you can always ask, but don’t be surprised when they aren’t!

How do you use an adjustable dumbbell?

Adjustable dumbbells like the Bowflex SelectTech series are simple to use. While the dumbbell is resting in its base, set the desired amount of weight using the dial. Make sure each side is set to the same amount of weight. Then, simply remove the weight from the base, and any remaining weight not needed for your desired resistance will remain. 

Beyond tracking steps: How to make digital fitness devices work for you


Woman Showing Heartbeat Monitor on ArmWhen did people become so obsessed with tracking every aspect of their health? The answer may surprise you, but we have been tracking our activity in some form since at least the late 1500s. 

Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci created a pedometer to help track the distance a Roman soldier walked, and his version of the pedometer helped the Roman military. In 1780, a Swiss watchmaker took da Vinci’s existing technology and expanded upon it, adding a feature that allowed users to track their steps and distance. Around the time of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, a Japanese doctor and engineer collaborated to take the pedometer to the next level. The impetus behind their creation was a concern about the low activity levels of the Japanese during this time. They wanted everyone to walk 10,000 steps per day to get their fitness levels up. This 10,000-step-per-day recommendation would eventually turn into a patent for the pedometer in the 1980s. 

Today, pedometers are still sold at big box and sporting goods stores alike — but we have come a long way in function and design from the square pedometers of the past. The creation of the first-generation Fitbit in 2009 revolutionized the way people take control of their health by allowing people to connect their device to their cellular phones. 

Now, fitness tracking devices have given people the power to evaluate and track the number of steps we take per day, how many calories we are burning, how we sleep and for how long, and how our breathing and heartbeat changes by the hour. The benefits of these sorts of devices are clear, but what about the drawbacks? Some people are concerned about accuracy, privacy, and how often they’ll use the device. Furthermore, some people are not sure what to actually do with all of this data.  

In this article, I will outline the benefits of owning a health and fitness tracking device, potential negative aspects, and how you can use the information you glean from these devices.

What are Health and Fitness Tracking Devices?


Man Looking at Fitness Watch While Seated Under a Tree


Put simply, health and fitness tracking devices help users gain insights about their athletic performance, number of calories burned, sleep quality and hours of sleep per night, and much more. This data is kept in the device itself or can be accessed through an accompanying app on a smartphone. 

However, before thinking about how technology can help you track and reach your goals, remembering the value of fundamental healthy habits is a great place to start.

“Prior to tracking calories and performance, it is important to develop good fitness habits such as eating a high protein, clean diet and exercising regularly,” said Sergio Pedemonte, Certified Personal Trainer and CEO of the in-home personal training company called Your House Fitness. He trains celebrities like Gina Rodriguez from Jane The Virgin, and O.T Fagbenle from the Handmaid’s Tale and Marvel’s Black Widow. “Once these good habits become routine, then tracking performance, weight gain or weight loss will offer much clearer insight into how variables may affect performance and body composition, allowing for precise modifications of one’s diet or training, aiding in achieving their fitness goals.”

How Do They Work?

Health and fitness tracking devices can be low or high-tech, ranging from a simple pedometer to a fancy watch, depending on your needs. For people who just want to track their steps, pedometers are easy to find, low in cost and easy to use. If you want to gain additional, more in-depth insights into your progress, you may want to invest in a device with a digital component, which I’ll describe in more detail in this article. 

Health and fitness trackers and other wearables work primarily through the use of sensors to measure motion. More specifically, most of the wearables on the market today contain a three-axis accelerometer to track movement in all directions. The data collected through the accelerometer is then converted into what we see — sleep quality and number of hours asleep, number of steps, calories burned, and more.

These devices use self-provided information, such as your height, weight, age and gender, to calculate the number of calories burned. This is why the fit of the device is important. If your Fitbit or Apple Watch is too tight or too loose, the sensors can’t work properly. To do its best work, the device should fit snugly on the wrist.

To track sleep, the trackers use actigraphy, which refers to the way in which your wrist patterns are translated into sleep patterns (Nield, 2017). A more accurate method of measuring sleep is through a technology called polysomnography, which is used in sleep centers to measure sleep through brain activity.

What about Other Trackers and Tech/Fitness Equipment?


Woman Using Fitness Watch

Fitness devices like watches (think: Fitbit and Apple Watch) are popular mainstays, but there is a new class of wearables like rings and other devices that can help you take your health data to the next level. Wearables include things that can be worn like accessories or incorporated into clothing.

One such example is the Oura ring, a titanium ring that tracks things like sleep (and how much time you spend in each sleep cycle), heart rate (and changes through the day and night), breathing rate, skin temperature, and more. The data provided by the Oura ring can help you make decisions for how to reduce stress (indicated by high heart rate and irregular breathing patterns), sleep (and how to improve your sleep based on your individual data).

A new sleep device called Go2Sleep can help wearers monitor their sleep using a three-axis sensor, as well as record their blood oxygen and heart rate levels. It can be paired with Apple and Android devices. It even promises to tell you about how often you’re tossing and turning at night.

If you don’t want to wear a device but want some help in reaching fitness goals, you may want to try the Mirror, or related technologies. The mirror is like it sounds — an interactive piece of fitness equipment that you can place on the wall. When it’s switched off, it looks just like a regular mirror and takes up as much space as a mirror would, which makes it a popular choice amongst those who don’t have a lot of space to work out at home. 

When you’re ready to use it, you turn it on and choose a program. There are thousands of live and pre-recorded programs to choose from ranging from yoga to high intensity interval training and everything in between. The programs have levels, too. An instructor will appear on the screen as if you’re following along with a YouTube video or in a live class (Link, 2021). The instructor will demonstrate all of the moves. You’ll wear a heart rate monitor during your workout so data can be collected. The monitor also communicates with the mirror, and the instructors can give you motivation or a push when your heart rate dips, for example. It is compatible with Apple devices, so you can check your progress on the accompanying app. One big benefit of the mirror is that you’re able to check your form while working out, and you’ll have access to many different exercise programs to stream in the comfort of your own home. A potential downside is the cost: A mirror or similar device will cost at least $1,500 or more.

Benefits to Fitness Trackers and Wearables

Tracking your calories burned, steps taken, hours and quality of sleep, and heart rate can help you measure progress over time. These pieces of data can also give you valuable insights into how your exercise routine, your stress levels or the food you eat is impacting your sleep patterns. You can also learn about how your breath can slow your heart rate and give you more restful sleep. 

“Wearables are especially helpful to our runners or those with body fat loss goals. The watches help us track heart rate during the conditioning portions of workouts to estimate how hard they are working and/or how they are adapting to a stimulus over time,” said Zachary Hurley, BS in Kinesiology, NSCA-CSCS, TPI Level-One Movement Specialist at Perform for Life in San Francisco, California. “These devices are great to give the user real-time information that can be used to adjust their training, running pace, and more.”

Understanding the benefits of fitness trackers is just the first step. If you’ve begun tracking aspects of your health, but you don’t know what it all means, it’s time to take a deep dive into getting to know your device. First off, don’t toss the user guide or insert that came with your device into the garbage. Read it over to find out about any important or unique features about your device. For many devices, there is an accompanying app for your Apple or Android device. This app allows you to see your health data at a glance, so ensure you’ve downloaded the latest version. Make sure your device fits well on your wrist or finger, and resize accordingly. Finally, make sure you wear your device when you’ll be engaging in any physical activity. For some people, that means putting the watch on before you head to the gym. For others, that means wearing the watch almost all of the time except when they’re swimming or in the shower. 

Downsides to Fitness Trackers and Wearables


Female Hand with Smartwatch Icons

Price, privacy, accuracy are all concerns associated with these devices. 

The price of a wearable ranges in the hundreds to the thousands. For example, an entry-level or basic model of a Fitbit brand wrist or watch-style device will cost you around $80 to $150. An Apple watch will cost you around $400. If these prices are too steep, you may consider purchasing a used or refurbished device. If you’re new to wearables and not sure you’d be using it regularly, you may want to purchase an entry-level device to try out. Then, you can determine if the investment is worth the cost depending on how much you use it.

Some people are concerned about their privacy when wearing one of these devices — questions like, who has access to my information? How is it being used? A research study looking at the Fitbit Flex device shows that there have been security breaches in the past that have left users’ data vulnerable, security issues between the device and the Fitbit web server, and more (Cyr, Horn, Miao, & Specter, 2015). Fitbit’s website encourages users to keep their software up-to-date and to use two-factor authentication for added security in their Fitbit account. Apple uses a lot of the same security features as their other iOS devices, especially because the Apple Watch needs to be paired with an iPhone to work. Furthermore, the device will lock after it senses its been removed from the wrist and can only be unlocked by entering a password. 

Finally, the accuracy of the data acquired by these devices can be concerning to some people. They want to know if they can trust the numbers and health insights. A way to combat this is to understand how your data is collected, how it is used and what it indicates. Keeping your software up-to-date as updates become available is also crucial, no matter what brand of the device you use.

“They are great tools to help with adherence to exercise programs and provide some data that can be used to modify programs,” Hurley said. “We make sure that our clients understand the trackers and watches they wear are not 100% accurate as well. Our clients know to use wearable technology as a tool, but that the numbers on the screen are not an end-all-be-all.”

A research study of the Fitbit Charge 2 involving 15 healthy participants showed that the device underestimates heart rates when compared to an electrocardiograph. In the study, the participants rode a stationary bike for 10 minutes and had their heart rates recorded by the Fitbit and the electrocardiograph (Benedetto et al., 2018). The researchers indicated that the difference in measuring heart rate was modest.

How to Make Fitness and Wellness Data Work for you

So you have some data, now how do you use it? Sleep data can tell us quite a few things. For example, that we should be going to bed earlier (if the data tells us we aren’t getting enough sleep to feel rested). It can also tell us that our sleep quality is poor — or that it is good. Knowing that information can help us incorporate a better nighttime routine, which involves turning lights (and technology) off a few hours before bed time. 

Recent research shows that people should be taking at least 7,000 steps per day (Reynolds, 2021). Daily step counts between 8,000 to 10,000 are more ideal. Playing sports such as tennis, swimming, jogging or playing badminton are also great ways to get exercise (Reynolds, 2021). Two long-term studies followed men and women for decades, looking at the relationship between exercise and longevity. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst working in conjunction with the other academic institutions and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that specific types and amounts of exercise can reduce premature death by as much as 70 percent. Specifically, they found that middle-aged women and men who walked at least 7,000 steps per day when they joined the study were about 50 percent less likely to have died than their counterparts who took less than 7,000 steps per day (Reynolds, 2021).

Whether you’re using an old-fashioned pedometer or a more sophisticated wearable to count your steps, taking more of them in the name of a potentially longer life seems like a worthy activity.


Wearables and health-related devices can be useful in helping you understand how you’re progressing in your fitness goals, how you’re sleeping and burning calories, and more. As a first step, it’s important to ensure you choose the right device for your lifestyle and that fits within your price range. Then, you’ll want to spend some time learning more about how to use your device and what types of data it collects and how to make sense of it. Things to be mindful of when considering the purchase of wearables or fitness technologies include privacy, accuracy, ease of use, and price. For many health and fitness aficionados, the insights gleaned from their devices help them optimize their wellness and understand areas for improvement. 

Author Bio: Nicki Karimpour, PHD

Contributor and Health Advisor 

Dr. Nicki Karimipour is a communications expert and experienced researcher. She obtained her master’s degree and Ph.D. in Health Communications from the University of Florida. She has previous experience in writing and editing for both print and online publications, and almost a decade of experience in teaching health writing, public health, and public relations at the undergraduate and graduate level. She is based in Los Angeles, California and currently works at the University of Southern California as a director of communications and clinical research. Follow her on Twitter: @NickiKPhD


Benedetto, S., Caldato, C., Bazzan, E., Greenwood, D.C., Pensabene, V., Actis, P. (2018). Assessment of the Fitbit Charge 2 for monitoring heart rate. PLoS One.  

Cyr, B., Horn, W., Miao, D., & Specter, M. (2015). Security analysis of wearable fitness devices (Fitbit). Retrieved from 

Link, R. (2021). The mirror fitness device: Is it worth the price? Retrieved from 

Nield, D. (2017). How it works: ​We explain how your fitness tracker measures your daily steps. Retrieved from 

Reynolds, G. (2021). How much exercise do we need to live longer? The New York Times. Retrieved from 

Tips and Tricks for Staying Fit After 60

If you don’t use it, you lose it, and this adage couldn’t be more applicable when it comes to senior fitness. In my years of experience working with dozens of older adults, the universal key I’ve learned is everyone can push a little harder, go a little further, and dream a little bigger with each passing day.

There are some key tricks in making this happen in the golden years. 

Exercise Tricks

  1. Be Consistent 

    •  It’s normal to be sore after those first few workouts or after doing something different in your exercise routine. Don’t let this scare you. While there’s a fine line between post-exercise soreness and pain that warrants a step back, avoid the trap of tapering off due to a fear of becoming injured when you’re experiencing adaptations that’ll improve quality of life. 
  2. Listen to your Body

    • While you don’t want to let a little soreness scare you off, know your limits. When in doubt, schedule a consultation with your physician.
  3. Add Strength Training to your Workout Routine 

    • Especially for ladies, don’t overlook strength training. Tools like dumbbells and resistance bands not only establish a good foundation, but weight-bearing exercise stresses the bones and induces an increase in bone density.
  4. Invest in Fitness Gloves 

    • Fitness gloves aren’t just for bodybuilders. They do wonders in improving comfort when lifting, especially if issues like arthritis and carpal tunnel get you down. 
  5. Consider Getting a Personal Trainer 

    • If you’re unsure of your limitations, form, or use of equipment, it can be well worth the investment in a few personal training sessions. While personal training typically costs more than group fitness instruction, you’ll receive professional, custom guidance to make every workout thereafter more effective. Some fitness facilities even offer free weight room orientations for members, so it’s never a bad idea to see if that’s an option. 
  6. Work Antagonist Muscle Groups through Supersets

    • Antagonist muscle pairs like biceps and triceps oppose each other. When one contracts, the other relaxes, and management of this smooth operation keeps movements fluid, encourages good posture, and increases range of motion. 
  7. Go Swimming

    • If you’ve just suffered an injury, have mobility issues, or are just getting back into the world of fitness, jump in the pool. This low-impact option allows for cardio and strength training alike all while having some fun in the water. 

Lifestyle Tricks

  1. Get Enough Sleep Daily 

    • Don’t overlook the power of a good night’s rest, especially after a day that included resistance training. The body repairs itself while you’re sleeping, building up new muscle and strength while you dream. 
  2. Incorporate Activity through Fun Hobbies

    • Things like gardening, hiking, and playing with animals are all great ways to improve your mood and physical fitness. 
  3. Consider Buying a Fitness Watch

    • Fitness watches provide valuable information that can help you identify areas of improvement that a lifestyle change can correct. For example, tools like Fitbit provide reminders to get up and walk each hour to achieve your step goal for the day. 
  4. Buy Fresh and Nutritious Food 

    • At the grocery store, avoid the aisles as much as possible. The most healthful foods are typically found along the outer perimeter of the grocery store layout. 

Scheduling Tricks

  1. Block Off Time to Workout

    • When you want to remember to acknowledge a birthday or make it to a doctor’s appointment, you put it on your calendar. Start your week out by scheduling not only the time you’ll make it to your favorite fitness facility but also what you’ll be doing. If you’re part of a fitness class, jot it down so you remain mindful of your commitment to staying healthy. 
  2. Check if You’re Eligible for Fitness Programs

    • If money is keeping you from attending a class, check your eligibility for Silver Sneakers. Many insurance companies have picked up on the fact that regular exercise means less medical problems and will pay for you to attend. 
  3. Schedule Workouts throughout Different Times of the Day 

    • To make the most of cardio exercise, there are many benefits to working out in the morning. On the other hand, weight training is most effective in the late afternoon to early evening. Of course, if you can’t fit in your training during these times, it’s better to do them at any time than not at all, but employing this scheduling method maximizes results at any age. 

Mental Tricks to Reframe Your Attitude Toward Exercise and Nutrition

  1. Don’t Limit Yourself 

    • Don’t put limitations on your abilities. While you’ll never be in your 20’s again, you’re only as old as you feel. Achieving peak physical performance at any age starts with a can-do attitude. 
  2. Focus On the Small Steps

    • Instead of looking at a large goal, focus on the small steps that get you there. Think of it like your GPS map when you’re embarking on a lengthy trip. Sure, it’s helpful to look at the entirety of the trip, but you zoom in and take it one turn at a time. If you miss a turn, a new route is recalculated. As long as you redirect, you’ll get where you’re going. 
  3. Reward Yourself 

    • Don’t think of having your favorite foods as “cheating.” As long as you employ moderation, these foods should be seen as a reward for all your hard work. Just make sure you follow any dietary restrictions from your doctor, and don’t overindulge .

Other Tips

  1. Invest in a Music Streaming App

    • One of my best investments as a senior fitness professional has been in YouTube Premium, but you can choose among the many music platforms out there. The key is, finding an outlet where you can access uninterrupted music from any decade makes for improved physical activity through longer distances, faster pace, and more repetitions. I made a promotional video featuring my Silver Sneakers class, and every person interviewed commented on their affinity for my varied playlists. 
  2. Use Two Chairs for Stretching

    • If you’re working with folks who have trouble getting up and down from the floor, simply set another chair in front of the participant so they can easily perform stretches like toe touches. 
  3. Don’t Get Stuck in a Boring Routine

    • While it’s important to cover the basics including strength, cardio, balance, and flexibility, switching things up makes exercise fun. Go for a walk in a new area of town. Play an exercise game. Join a fitness group or seek out a workout buddy or two for accountability. 
  4. Keep the Social Component Alive

    • My classes get together at least a few times per month to do things outside of the gym, and this has done wonders in keeping a positive spirit alive within every group I’ve worked with. 

When is the Best Time to Workout ? – Pros and Cons of Different Workout Times

Morning Workout for Weight Loss and Great Sleep

When you workout first thing in the morning, your body’s better able to burn stored fat. This is especially true if you get your sweat on before breakfast. It’s shortly after waking when your cortisol and growth hormones are highest. Since both of these hormones are associated with metabolism, your body burns fat as a fuel at a higher rate when they’re elevated.

Research out of Brigham Young University has revealed another encouraging reason to consider working out early. Engaging in 45 minutes of moderate to high intensity exercise in the morning decreases appetite. So, not only do you flip on your fat burning switch, but you simultaneously decrease intake throughout the day just by setting your alarm an hour early. 

Some of us simply aren’t morning people, but, before you write off the idea of a.m. athletics, consider the fact that early morning cardio stimulates the body to produce melatonin, the hormone that controls the sleep cycle. This effect is even more pronounced if you can exercise outdoors in the sunlight. Ergo, working out early can kickstart the circadian rhythm to help encourage you to sleep well. Over time, you may find it easier to fall into a morning workout routine than you would have thought possible.

Best of all, when you get it off your to-do list before the day begins, unexpected circumstances and excuses won’t get in the way of exercise later.

Man and Woman Stretching

Who Should Avoid the Morning Workout

Research has shown a number of benefits to support working out to start the day. However, it’s not the best option if you realistically don’t see yourself making the effort to do it consistently. Furthermore, if waking up early to exercise would compromise your ability to get at least six hours of sleep, you’re better off getting those extra z’s. A few other conditions that may contraindicate early morning workouts include:

  • You have a heart condition as changes in blood pressure could cause issues when working out first thing in the morning. If this is you, check with your doctor. 
  • You have diabetes and don’t see yourself consistently eating prior to working out to manage glucose levels. Again, this is something you should discuss with your physician. 
  • You are trying to bulk up as the hormonal level needed to facilitate muscle growth is more compatible with evening workouts (more on this later). 

Afternoon Workout for Energy Boost and Higher Calorie Burn

After lunch, do you ever feel tired and groggy? The midday slump can be a real problem leading to a lack of productivity, stress, and even health issues. Primarily caused by a disruption in the circadian rhythm due to a variety of contributing factors including light exposure, sleep patterns, and use of electronics, that groggy feeling can be overcome by an afternoon workout. Unlike morning exercise, afternoon workouts are fueled by a meal or two, so blood sugar levels are likely higher. With increased blood glucose on your side, high intensity exercise is more attainable.

If the afternoon is the best time for you to get your sweat on, you have another benefit working in your favor. A recent study found that, during the mid-to-late afternoon, the body burns approximately 10% more calories than later on in the day. 

Three women running together

Who Should Avoid the Afternoon Workout

The afternoon workout can be difficult to fit into your day. Even if you have an hour lunch break, it doesn’t leave much time to shower afterward. 

Evening Workout for Big Muscles 

If you have a goal of increasing your muscle mass, the evening workout is well worth consideration. A 2016 study found that evening strength workouts yield up to 84% more muscle gain than morning sessions. Since testosterone is beneficial for anabolic training, the results of this study make sense as testosterone production is higher at night than it is during the day. 

Want a great way to unwind after a strength workout that will also help you sleep better? Take some time to engage in stress-relieving yoga or stretching. This is an excellent way to prepare the body for relaxation and improve your recovery time. Remember, muscle is built during rest, so it’s important to supplement your strength training with plenty of uninterrupted sleep.

Woman running in the evening while the sun sets

Who Should Avoid the Evening Workout

If you’re not a fan of waiting for equipment and larger crowds, evening workouts can be aggravating if you use a public gym. Furthermore, for high intensity cardio exercise, waiting until the evening hours isn’t ideal as it can disrupt sleep. However, if the evening is the only time you can do your cardio, it’s better to do it than skip it altogether. Furthermore, if you lack motivation and/or self control, evening workouts are much easier to skip. You’re more likely to be tired from a long day, and recreation with friends and family can often creep in and steal the spotlight. 

Considerations for Night Shifters

Before we wrap up, there are a few considerations worth pointing out for all the night shifters out there. The time of day can become an unrecognizable haze when you work odd shifts, but a regular workout regimen can help you maintain balance and stabilize your circadian rhythm. 

All the tips mentioned here apply, but they’re based on what time you wake up. It can be tempting to treat 11 p.m. like it’s the middle of the night. However, if this is the time you’re getting out of bed, the morning workout pros and cons apply. Although it can be tricky, a little bit of self control and clear acknowledgement of your fitness goals and preferences go a long way in consistency and progress. 

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, the best time to workout is during that window of opportunity you can most regularly stick to an exercise routine. While there are certain advantages and disadvantages based on time of day and goals, none outweigh the importance of consistency. 

Does 15 minutes of exercise make a difference?

Many people dread their workout routine for a simple reason. They plan on spending an hour or more at the gym, and this can be overwhelming. Adherence is key to a lasting fitness routine, and 15 minutes can prove incredibly beneficial if it means you’ll stick with it over time. Aside from a consistency standpoint, there are some exciting benefits of the 15-minute workout that may surprise you.

For Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Endurance

  1. High intensity interval training is just as effective as longer, steady-state cardio. This type of cardio involves periods of work atfull intensity with a short rest period, and the studies speak for themselves. Just one example of thousands involved two groups, one of which performed intervals of 20-second sprints to two-minute recovery periods at a slower pace for a total of ten minutes. When compared with another group that performed 45 minutes of steady-state, low intensity pacing, both experienced a 20 percent boost in endurance. 
  2. When you truly push yourself during HIIT training, you burn more calories than with longer, steady-state workouts. Yet another study revealed that men who performed just 13 minutes of HIIT torched more calories than their counterparts who spent 40 minutes doing steady-state exercises.
  3. It doesn’t have to be intense. Even if you perform lower-intensity exercise for 15 minutes daily with consistency, you can live longer as was revealed in a study by the European Society of Cardiology. They monitored a group for over a decade and found that low-intensity exercise like a brisk walk for just 15 minutes daily decreased risk of death by 22%, thus giving credence to the old adage that slow and steady wins the race. 

For Muscle Gain Improved Strength

What about strength training? While the cardio-focused tips we’ve discussed thus far are excellent when it comes to living longer, feeling better, and losing weight, many have goals of building muscle, getting stronger, and even gaining weight. Remember, muscle burns three times the calories as fat, making strength training a critical part of a balanced exercise diet. To make the most of 15 minutes in the gym for strength training, there are a few good tips to keep in mind. 


  1. Perform compound exercises that work more than one muscle group at a time. For example, you could do a squat with an overhead press or a bicep curl followed by a chest press. This method not only builds strength in a shorter amount of time, but it also helps improve endurance. 
  2. While longer strength training sessions justify more days off, shorter weight workouts are most effective when performed four to five days per week. However, let your body be the judge. If you wake up sore, let your muscles rest and recover as this is when muscle is built. A good way to circumvent excessive time off for recovery is to plan out different areas of the body you’ll work throughout the week. For example, you might choose a series of bicep and quadricep exercises on Monday, triceps and calves on Wednesday, and shoulders and back on Friday. 
  3. Think lower reps, higher weight. Not only does this formula facilitate hypertrophy, but it saves time. A certified personal trainer can help you map out the best combination of variables when it comes to reps, sets, and tempo based on your time constraints and goals. 


Best Rowing Machines of 2021

With a global pandemic disrupting supply chains around the world, the home fitness industry has been awash with updates, pricing changes, and product upgrades. Indoor rowers remain a top pick for folks deciding to ditch the commercial gym, or those who simply want options when it comes to exercise. The list of best rowing machines for 2021 sees some familiar brands in the lineup, but notice the changes in prices, warranties, and interactive training packages.

We’ve rounded up the best rowing machines on the market for 2021 and know there is something here to fit every age and stage with interest. And whereas other machines, such as treadmills and bikes, remain popular as well, its tough to beat the bang-for-the-buck that rowing provides. Strength and cardio, weight loss and flexibility, the rower hits it all. And, we’ve been pleased to see, interactive training for rowers continues to advance, not just in terms of online apps, but in the rowers themselves.

Our Top 7 Rowing Machines for 2021

1. Best Rower for Interactive Training: Hydrow

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Hydrow Rowing MachineDesigned specifically with interactive training in mind, the Hydrow Live Outdoor Reality™ program features both live and on-demand programming led by world-class champions. Founded by U.S. National Team Coach Bruce Smith, the Hydrow has been compared to Peloton for the strength of its community following. Whether rowing solo or as part of a team within the greater community, participants can get all of their metrics logged for personalized workouts. The Hydrow is also designed to share workout data with other apps such as Strava quite easily. Or, the machine does work without the $38 per month app if users so desire a free row.

As with any machine built for interactive programming, the screen is key. The Hydrow features a 22″ HD touchscreen which swivels 25 degrees for those wanting to bounce off for extra stretching or floorwork. The machine is also Bluetooth-enabled for heart-rate monitoring with the Polar H7 or Wahoo TICKR. With front-facing speakers, rowers get an immersive experience. Another interesting point worth mentioning is the company donates to in the user’s name after rowing for 60 days.

Measuring 86″ x 25″ x 47″, the silent magnetic rower can hold up to 375 lbs in user weight. The silent magnetic resistance has become the most popular form in recent seasons to the smooth manner in which it ratchets up the work, in the case of the Hydrow, to 300 levels. And yes, it’s a bit pricier than the rest at $2,095. But if the sensation of a genuine row on the water is what one is after, then Hydrow is definitely a go.

Rating: 94%

See our detailed review of the Hydrow.


2. Best Alternative to the Fancy Hydrow: NordicTrack RW700

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NordicTrack RW500 Rower

The RW700 is NordicTrack’s mid-level air-magnetic rower. For the 2021 season, the RW700 serves as the replacement for the RW500 and earlier models. The brand’s top line remains the the RW900 with the RW600 at the entry point.

Priced at $1,299 with a 1-year iFit Family Membership included, the RW700 features 26 digital levels of silent magnetic resistance, which is quite sufficient in providing a workout for any level of fitness. Smooth transitions are the name of the game thanks to the inertia-enhanced flywheel. The added benefit is the air resistance element which will increase and decrease based on intensity/stroke speed.

The rotating 14″ HD touchscreen affords rowers the opportunity to get on the floor and do bodyweight drills or work with dumbbells along with the nearly unlimited routines offered by iFit. Both live and video, the iFit program allows remote trainers to control the resistance of the rower in accordance with the routine.

Measuring 87″ x 22″ x  47″, the rower will carry up to 250 lbs in user weight. Other benefits include the Bluetooth audio capabilities and ergonomic handle.

Rating: 75%

See our detailed review of the NordicTrack RW700.

3. Best Air Rower: Concept2 Model D

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Concept2 Model D Rower

Priced at just $900, the Concept2 Model D rower remains a top seller for many reasons other than price. A variable air resistance model, the rower has damper settings 1-10 to alter the feel of the stroke rowed. This type of resistance will generate nearly silent resistance while adding a breeze, all following the user’s own level of effort.

Built to last, the rower measures 96″ x 24″ x 14″ and sports a whopping 500 lbs user weight capacity. Even without a screen, the rower remains a connected machine. Equipped with a PM5 monitor, Bluetooth and ANT+ wireless connectivity, the rower can connect with wireless heart-rate monitors as well as afford rower-to-rower racing while tracking key metrics. The machine also comes with 10 workout programs built into it,

User comfort is a key consideration here as the rower is built to store in two easy-to-assemble sections, with transport wheels added for extra benefit. The unit is compatible with the brand’s free ErgData app, and given its design for home use, one can always park it in front of a smart television set and use any number of entertainment options.

Rating: 95%

See our detailed review of the Concept2 Model D rower.


4. Best Value For Money Rower: XTERRA ERG600W

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xterra ERG600W Water RowerFor the money spent, it’s tough to beat the EXTERRA Erg600W. A water rower with real rowing-like stroke motions, the machine replicates the feel of water. At just $799, the rower is a strong buy. With six different water-based resistance levels which can be modified via the level of water in the tank, the activity can be programmed via the console for programs as diverse racing, calories, strokes, and distance.

Measuring 80.7″ x 22″ x 33″ the rower features a maximum user weight of 300 lbs. The console includes a 5.5″ LCD and the machine is Bluetooth-enabled for heart-rate monitoring and feedback. Sports a range of comfort features including a contoured seat, adjustable Flex Pedals, and an ergonomic rowing handle, the unit is built with a convenient stand-up design for easy storage.

Whether specifically looking for a water rower or not, the price and overall quality of the machine make it worth a look for sure.

Rating: 87%

See our detailed review of the XTERRA ERG600W rower.

5. Best Rowing Machine for Seniors: Concept2 Model E

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Concept2 Model E Rower

One of two top models offered by the same brand, the Concept2 Model E rower is priced online for $1,490 and can certainly be found at bargain levels. Measuring 96″ x 24″ x 20″ the unit sports an amazing 500 lbs user capacity. Built solid for sure, the unit also brings a 20″ high seat into the mix, which is comparable to a typical chair. This makes the rower particularly good for seniors, or anyone with mobility issues.

Like its brand-mates, the Concept2 Model E rower is connected, but without the bells and whistles. Compatible with wireless heart-rate monitors, the unit is built to work with the free ErgData app, but can also be parked in front of a smart television set or used with a tablet or phone. It does come with a PM5 screen that features 10 built-in workouts, meaning it can be used with or without an app. Designed as an air resistance rower, the machine has a damper with 1-10 levels for stroke adjustment, and can handle users of any fitness level.

Rating: 92%

See our detailed review of the Concept2 Model E rower.

6. Best Budget Rowing Machine: Stamina X

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Stamina ATS 1405 Air Rower

When one simply wants to row and doesn’t want to spend a lot, the Stamina X brings a strong package. Part of a great lineup of rowers, the Stamina X can handle users up to 6’5″ tall and 250 lbs. Measuring 78.5″ x 18″ x 29″ the machine sports a small LCD screen which displays strokes per minute, count, distance, speed, time, and calories.

Simple for sure, with no Bluetooth option, the rower is priced around the $330 mark. As an air resistance rower, the machine responds to user effort, the harder you work, the stronger the resistance becomes. Its seat is a bit harder than some pricier alternative, and the rower itself doesn’t have built-in workout programming. That said, one can always place it in front of a television set for entertainment. Meanwhile, the rower features a metal chain as opposed to a cheaper tension cord, a steel frame, and a seat which glides on metal bearings instead of nylon wheels. Definitely one of the top budget rowing machines on the market using air resistance on the market this year.

Rating: 85%

See our detailed review of the Stamina X Air Rower.

7. Best Water Rowing Machine: WaterRower Classic

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WaterRower Classic Rower

It’s named “Classic” for good reason. the WaterRower Classic is smooth as silk with a sustainably sourced black walnut frame and natural water resistance. With a unique WaterFlywheel design, the unit offers a real stroke as if one was out on the lake. Reviewers agree its easy to fall into a meditative state with water rowers, and this one makes it easy to see why.

Priced around $1,560, the rower measures 82.5″ long by 22.5″ wide and offers an amazing 700 lbs weight capacity. What that should tell customers is that this rower is solid to the core. Equipped with an S4 monitor, the user-friendly system stores workout data including time, distance, speed/intensity, stroke rate, and heart rate. The unit is capable of storing up to nine self-designed programs, although it comes with none of its own.

And for the right buyer, this all-wood rower just feels and looks right. Let’s face it, water rowers are taste, and with wood added in one can certainly feel the pull of a canoe on water.

Rating: 88%

See our detailed review of the WaterRower Classic.

Want to browse some other models or learn more about what to look for when shopping for a new rower?

Check out our extended best rowers list to explore rowers in every category and price range.

Building out your Ideal Post-Workout Routine – How to ensure you are maximizing your hard work 


Woman exercising with battle ropesMuch attention has been paid to the pre-workout routine–what to eat, the best time of day to work out, what supplements and products can give you the energy to get moving in the morning, but how about what happens after your sweat session?

Post-workout routines are important, too. Taking certain steps can ensure you’re making the most of your hard work. In this article, you’ll learn which steps to take (and which to ditch), backed up by scientific evidence plus advice and tips from experts.

A few measures to take when you’ve wrapped up your workout can include incorporating a cool-down, engaging in active stretching, changing your clothes and washing them immediately to protect your skin, hydrating adequately and eating certain foods after your workouts, using muscle-recovery skin products, taking rest days, getting enough hours of high-quality sleep, and taking supplements.

What to Do Immediately After your Workout


Man and Woman stretching after a workout

It can feel exhilarating to conclude a workout, but don’t forget to prioritize your cool-down in the same way you do your pre-workout stretches. Why is it necessary to cool down after exercising? Stopping a workout too quickly or abruptly can make you feel dizzy, nauseous and faint, which can be dangerous to you and those around you.

Heavy workouts require a more thoughtful cooldown process. In one study, researchers examined a group of nine female volunteers who performed 20-minute Tabata exercises in the water. Tabata is a high-intensity style workout where you push yourself hard for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds for eight total rounds. In this study, the participants did a 10-minute cooldown after completing the Tabata workout. Researchers recommend always incorporating a cooldown whether or not you’re doing an intense workout or something more low-impact.

To engage in an effective cool-down, let your heart rate lower while you catch your breath. Feel your heart rate slowing down and your breath settling. Incorporate some active stretching and yoga poses, such as child’s pose, hugging your knees to your chest, cat/cow pose, and others you may need depending on what area of your body you just worked. Go through a few repetitions of each stretch over the course of a few minutes–the key is not to rush through these, but to ensure your body is getting the stretch and recuperation time it needs after getting you through a strenuous workout.

Switch Out your Sweaty Garments

As tempting as it can be to grab a coffee, smoothie or run some errands immediately following a heavy workout, prioritize showering and changing out of your sweaty clothes first. If showering at the gym or studio is not a possibility, use post-sweat refreshing wipes to whisk away sweat, bacteria and odor. There are many variations available on the market, but wipes with natural ingredients are better for those with sensitive skin.

“With shower sheets, you can clean up on the go when there is no time or no shower available. The wet wipe is 10 by 12 inches, so it is large enough to use on the whole body. It is alcohol-free and is infused with Neem extract, an antibacterial plant that deodorizes the skin,” said Emmanuel Rey, founder of Yuni Beauty. “It also contains peppermint and citrus essential oils to refresh the skin. The soft cloth is made out of wood pulp and is biodegradable, compostable, and they are produced in a solar powered facility in California.”

When you don’t shower or use wet wipes after working out, you can inadvertently be creating a breeding ground for bacteria, which can lead to acne on the face and body. To combat this, make sure to wash your face using a gentle cleanser or use facial wipes if running water is not available. 

“Carry pads with salicylic and glycolic acid with you in your gym bag. My favorite are ones that I formulated to fight bacteria, clean off sebum and oil, and gently wipe away dead skin cells to keep them from clogging pores. They are called ‘Complexion Perfection Pads’ from SkinMD and you can get them through my office,” said Dr. Monika Kiripolsky, a Board-Certified Dermatologist in Beverly Hills, California. 

Experts also recommend not wearing heavy makeup when working out, as this can clog pores.

“Sweat clogs pores and breeds bacteria. Clogged pores lead to inflammation and comedone (pimple) formation,” Kiripolsky added. “Pimples on parts of the body other than the face are called folliculitis. If we don’t remove the sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria after exercising, our pores become clogged and we get acne on our faces and folliculitis on our chest, back, and buttocks. These conditions can become long-standing and can leave skin discoloration and scarring in those areas, even when the pimples are cleared through effective treatment. I also see quite a few people with red, tender rashes in their groin folds, between their buttocks, and under their breasts from not keeping the skin clean and dry following a workout. The scientific term for this is intertrigo and it is painful, unsightly, and tricky to treat.”

For your body, taking a quick shower is ideal–even if you don’t wash your hair, just your body. If that is not an option, this is where wet wipes can come in handy. Swipe on a fresh coat of deodorant and you’ll be ready to take on the rest of your day.

“Wipe the sweat and grime off of your skin after you exercise and change into clean, dry clothing. Wearing sweaty clothing after your workouts further occludes pores and gives bacteria, yeast, and fungi a perfect breeding ground to thrive, cause or exacerbate acne, folliculitis, intertrigo, and other fungal skin infections,” Kiripolsky added.

Unique Additions to the Wash and Rinse Cycle

In addition to washing your face and body, you’ll also want to make sure you are washing your dirty and sweaty gym clothes soon after you finish your workout. Although it’s easier to just toss your dirty clothes into the hamper to wash later, read on for some reasons why it’s ideal to do your washing right after you exercise.

Depending on the fabric of your exercise clothing, moisture, sweat and odors can be trapped in the fibers. Fortunately, there are some solutions. To get rid of stubborn or recurring smells, wash your gym clothes with half a dose of detergent and add a full cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle. You can also use baking soda if white vinegar isn’t available.

To prevent stubborn odors, turn your workout clothes inside out before washing so that the detergent and water can better penetrate stinky spots. Wash similar fabrics together (like all of your workout clothing), instead of throwing exercise clothes in with your towels, blankets, jackets, and jeans. This helps extend the life of your workout clothes and avoid pesky pilling that can ruin clothes.

Some people think that more is more when it comes to detergent, but it’s important to use the appropriate amount (and not more) when washing your gym clothes. Type of detergent also makes a difference, and some brands have special lines for exercise clothes–look for detergents containing the words “sport” or “active.” Finally, avoid using fabric softeners because they can leave a film on clothing that can actually attract build-up and odors and make detergent work less effectively.
For even more washing tips,
click here.

How Much Water Should I Be Drinking?


Woman Drinking Water

You likely already know the importance of hydrating post-workout (the body is 60% water!), but you may not know how much water you actually need. Some experts recommend eight 8 oz. glasses of water throughout the day, but your individual needs may vary depending on factors like your height and weight, gender, activity level, where you live, and the medications you are taking (Gunnars, 2020).

You can use an online calculator to ascertain how much water you need based on your height and weight, but experts from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences recommend 11.5 cups of water a day for women, and 15.5 cups a day for women. During hot summer months and for people who live in humid climates, this amount may be higher. If you work out or do yard work outside, you’ll need more water since you’re losing water through perspiration. 

If you drink caffeinated beverages like sofa and coffee, you may be urinating more frequently and thus need more water intake to make up for it. Medicines like diuretics or others may dehydrate you, so drinking more water is recommended. When in doubt, consult with your healthcare provider. 

The color of your urine may give you clues about your hydration level. When you are properly hydrated, your urine may be colorless, or the color of straw or pale honey. On the other hand, if your urine is dark yellow or amber, you are not well-hydrated (Bajic, 2021). Keep in mind that some medications, antibiotics or vitamins may temporarily turn your urine a different color.

If you have a hard time meeting your hydration goals, there are a few ways to make drinking water more fun. Infusing your water with fresh or frozen fruits like cucumber, blueberries, raspberries, strawberry slices and citrus can help add some natural flavor without adding calories. For those who love ice water, investing in a stainless steel bottle or tumbler will keep your water ice cold for hours and may inspire you to drink water more often. Some water bottles even have notches for you to track your consumption or lines on the bottle that coincide with times of the day so you can make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day. 

Some bottles are collapsible and portable for those who are constantly on the go. When looking for a water bottle, make sure the product you’re purchasing or drinking from is BPA-free, as BPA is a known endocrine disruptor. For this reason, BPA-free plastic, glass or stainless steel bottles are the best depending on your preference.

What Should I Eat After my Workout?

If you want to replenish your body after an intense workout, you can do so through adequate hydration and eating the right foods. Conventionally, you may have been taught to consume food with protein after a workout if you want to build muscle–and this is sound advice. For years, chocolate milk was touted as the ideal post-workout drink, but not all chocolate milk is created equal. Although dairy can be a good choice for building protein, some milk products contain excessive amounts of sugar and should be avoided, especially for those who have insulin sensitivities. 

If you are running or cycling, you can afford to eat food that contains higher levels of carbohydrates, think a piece of whole wheat toast with an avocado or a fried egg on top. If you are doing something less strenuous, you can just eat your regular meal or add a small snack. Experts caution against over-eating especially if you didn’t do a high-intensity workout. 

If you are on the go, consider healthy protein bars. All bars aren’t created equal, though–many contain artificial ingredients and high levels of salt and sugar. When reading the labels, look out for ingredients you recognize and can pronounce. Food products with less ingredients (more of which are from whole foods) are the best choice.

Now that you have the perfect snack lined up for after your workout, when is the optimal time to consume it? Experts recommend eating your snack right after your workout if possible but you can eat it anywhere from 45 minutes after you exercise (Radcliffe, 2019). Packing portable snacks in your workout bag or stashing them in your locker to eat after your post-workout shower at the gym can help you remember to consume something healthy when your body needs it most.

Pampering your Post-Workout Skin

For minor aches and pains, there are some over-the-counter products you can use topically on the skin to provide relief. Some tried-and-true classics include Bengay, Tiger Balm or Icy Hot, which contain cooling compounds like menthol that then turn warm on the skin. These products help reduce inflammation and reduce pain. 

People who lift heavy weights and engage in exercises like CrossFit may have calluses on their hands and feet. You can provide a little TLC to these areas by using callus removers (like scraping devices you can use on your feet), as well as lotions and treatments. For extra moisture, apply a thick cream like Aquaphor onto your dry spots overnight. For hands and feet, wearing socks or gloves can lock in the moisture so you’ll wake up to perfectly soft skin.

Foam rolling is another at-home method that can help you bring relief to tight spots in the body. Foam rolling is a type of self-massage that you can do at home with just a foam roller. Benefits include reduction of soreness, relieving inflammation, opening the muscles and general relaxation. To get started, purchase a foam roller from a sports, fitness or big-box store (or online). There are different shapes and features, so make sure to read up on the various types so you can choose the best one for you. This article provides a breakdown of different types as well as directions for how to get started in foam rolling (Yuen, 2018). 


Building an effective and doable post-workout routine can help you maximize the time you spend working out, as well as the time you spend recovering. Before you hit the gym, a few logistical tweaks to your existing routine can make a difference, such as carrying wet wipes for the face and body in your gym bag, bringing along a dry change of clothes, and packing healthy snacks to consume right after your workout.

When you’re not in the gym or studio, there are simple things you can do in the comfort of your own home to recover from your workouts, which may involve skin products, stretches, foam rollers, and more.

Your body is responsible for so much–helping you move through your day and get things done, helps you take on challenging workout classes, do your favorite activities such as swimming, walking, biking and lifting weights. It’s crucial to spend some time thinking about how to build healthy habits for nourishing your body whether you’re inside or outside of the gym.

Author Bio: Nicki Karimpour, PHD

Contributor and Health Advisor 

Dr. Nicki Karimipour is a communications expert and experienced researcher. She obtained her master’s degree and Ph.D. in Health Communications from the University of Florida. She has previous experience in writing and editing for both print and online publications, and almost a decade of experience in teaching health writing, public health, and public relations at the undergraduate and graduate level. She is based in Los Angeles, California and currently works at the University of Southern California as a director of communications and clinical research. Follow her on Twitter: @NickiKPhD


Bajic, P. (2021). What the color of your pee says about you. Retrieved from 

Gunnars, K. (2020). How much water should you drink per day? Retrieved from 

Miller, L.J., D’Acquisto, L.J., D’Acquisto, D.M., Roemer, K., & Fisher, M.G. (2015). Cardiorespiratory Responses to a 20-Minutes Shallow Water Tabata-Style Workout. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 9(3). 

Radcliffe, S. (2019). What are the best foods to eat after a workout? Retrieved from 

Yuen, C. (2018). 8 Foam Rolling Moves That’ll Remove Every Bit of Stress in Your Body. Retrieved from 
