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Welcome To FitRated!
Are you looking for the best fitness products & services to meet your goals? We’re here to help! We are a small group of fitness fanatics that decided it was time to end the stressful searches for fitness equipment and the never-ending hunt for the right diet plan and workout program. Our goal is to help the general public, build a strong fitness foundation quickly while saving money.
We spend countless hours researching products, compiling specs & features, computing ratings using our custom algorithms, and comparing top-rated products side-by-side, all for free (without annoying ads getting in your way). FitRated.com is funded solely by its readers, and we really appreciate your support!
Our Rating Process
We compile crucial info about popular fitness equipment, then run the numbers through our exclusive algorithm (based on hundreds of data points) and our experts to determine a score that represents the best overall value.
*Business names, data and ranking system modified to protect proprietary information.