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Buy Now, Pay Later: The Best Financing Options for Treadmills

Salmon Pink and Black runners on a treadmill

Are you ready to commit to getting fit – but your bank account has other ideas? No problem. We’ve done the research and found the top fitness equipment companies that offer quick and easy treadmill financing.

What are the perks of financing your fitness purchase? You can buy now with just a few clicks and often with no down payment, so you make the most of your buying power. Plus, there’s zero interest if you pay off your purchase within the allotted time.

Check out our list of top fitness companies that offer treadmill financing, along with a few awesome “best buy” treadmills to help you crush your fitness goals.

NordicTrack Financing

When you’re making a big purchase, you want to buy from a name you trust – and NordicTrack is definitely on that list. This top international brand is owned by ICON Health and Fitness and produces durable, high-quality exercise equipment that fitness buffs love.

At NordicTrack, you can afford the new you with their special treadmill financing options, which are available every day. With no money down, NordicTrack makes it quick and easy to secure financing online.

This online account management system is one of the best – you can pay your bill, view your statements, and more without any dialing or being put on hold. Plus, you get exclusive benefits once you sign up!

Not sure which NordicTrack treadmill to buy? Check out the NordicTrack Commercial 1750 – year after year, this powerful machine gets put on our best buy list! With a strong, quiet motor, a flawless touchscreen control panel, and iFit Coach compatibility, it’s easy to see why we consider this treadmill one of the year’s best buys.

Current Financing Details:

  • No money down
  • 0% APR for 12, 36, 39, 43, or 44 months with equal payments.
  • Standard purchase APR 29.99%.
  • Subject to credit approval.
  • Financed through TD Bank, N.A.

ProForm Financing

ProForm is also manufactured by ICON Health and Fitness and is a brand known for its high-end features and outstanding performance. Plus, there’s a ProForm treadmill for every budget.

For treadmill financing, ProForm offers a similar package as NordicTrack. With no money down and fast online service, ProForm makes it easy to get started right away and achieve your fitness goals. Plus, the online account management tools offer a seamless process from start to finish.

This excellent fitness company offers another of our best buy picks – the ProForm SMART Pro 9000. Its interactive training experience through iFit, combined with a variety of challenging programs, will satisfy even the most serious runners.

Current Financing Details:

  • No money down
  • 0% APR for 12, 36, or 39 months with equal payments.
  • Standard purchase APR 29.99%.
  • Subject to credit approval.
  • Financed through TD Bank, N.A.

Bowflex Financing

We’ve all heard of Bowflex – this company is a home fitness pioneer! Today, Bowflex produces a range of exercise equipment, including treadmills, home gyms, ellipticals, and more. This company is known for its easy-to-use machines that get results fast.

Bowflex does things a little differently than the other companies – in order to obtain treadmill financing, you apply for a Bowflex credit card. Once approved, there is no money down and no interest on any treadmill purchased with your credit card and paid in full within 18 months.

It’s a very quick online process – you can buy within minutes! And there are also some online account management tools available through the bank (Desjardins Financial Group) website.

One of our Bowflex top picks is the Max Trainer M8. This brand new machine is a cross between a stair stepper and an elliptical, and comes with Max Intelligence – a platform that offers you a “personal trainer” experience.

See something else you can’t live without? You can use your credit card for other Bowflex purchases as well without needing to reapply for financing.

Current Financing Details:

  • No money down
  • 0% APR for 18 months with monthly payments.
  • Standard purchase APR 29.99%.
  • Subject to credit approval.
  • Financed through Synchrony Bank, Vive Financial, and Genesis Credit.

Horizon Fitness Financing

Horizon Fitness specializes in exercise equipment for your home and is a great option for buyers on a budget. Although many of the machines from this brand don’t offer a lot of bells and whistles, they pack in all the features you need for a solid workout.

Horizon offers 0% introductory rates for qualified customers, and you can apply on their website for instant approval without impacting your credit score. Based on your unique needs and lifestyle, they’ll match you with the appropriate lender with no hidden fees or surprises.

For runners looking for a decent treadmill under $1,000, check out the Horizon 7.0AT. This treadmill is built for runners and provides challenging workouts on a durable machine that is strong enough for heavy use.

Current Financing Details:

  • 0% APR for qualified customers.
  • Subject to credit approval.
  • Financed through Citizens Bank and Genesis Credit.

Don’t wait to get started on your fitness journey – get going today with these awesome financing deals!

NordicTrack Commercial 1750 vs. Sole F80: Which One Suits Your Needs?

NordicTrack Commercial 1750 vs. Sole F80: Which One Suits Your Needs?

The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 and the Sole F80 are two high quality treadmills on the market with similar price points. Whether you are an experienced runner or looking to get into running, you may be wondering which treadmill is best suited to meet your personal goals and fitness style—in this article, I will break down the best features of both and compare them head to head. While both treadmills will help you shed weight, tone and improve your cardiovascular capabilities, there may be one that better suits you individually.

NordicTrack Commercial 1750

NordicTrack is well known for releasing luxury fitness equipment that will help users achieve their fitness goals with the latest technology and features. This treadmill is slightly bigger than most but is packed with great functions that will take your running or walking experience to the next level. Some of the best features of this machine include:

  • 7” touch screen display equipped with the iFit Coach App built in: users can run in various areas all over the world such as Asia, Europe and Africa
  • Bluetooth technology to sync related apps or fitbit
  • 38 preset workout programs included in console
  • Heart rate monitor touch sensors and wireless strap included
  • Multiple storage locations for personal items such as phone, keys and water bottles
  • Up to 15% incline capabilities
  • Flex cushioning built into the running belt to reduce shock by 30%
  • Can hold up to 300lbs
  • Dual fans and additional tablet holder built in console
  • Plug-in music ports
  • Foldable frame for storage

Full NordicTrack 1750 Review

Sole F80

The Sole F80 is another great product released by Sole guaranteeing customers high quality and durable parts. The Sole F80 may be simpler when it comes to technical components but is extremely user friendly and will allow you to get a great workout without feeling overwhelmed with options. This machine is easy to maneuver around your home. Some of the top features of this bike include:

  • 9” LCD screen with Sole app built in
  • Fan in display
  • Heart rate monitors in touch sensors and wireless chest strap
  • 2ply running belt with cushion flex deck to reduce impact on joints up to 40%
  • Up to 15% incline
  • Multi-user options
  • Foldable frame for storage
  • 10 preset workout programs
  • Speakers built into console
  • Bluetooth compatible with apps, fitbit, etc.
  • Multiple locations for storing personal items such as phone, keys, water bottles

Full Sole F80 Review

So which one is best for you?

NordicTrack Pros

·         iFit Coach App with experienced trainers and fun locations to run in all over the world

·         38 preset workouts

·         Sturdy frame and slightly wider running belt

Sole F80 Pros

·         10 preset workout programs

·         Quiet to run on and low impact on joints

·         Easily foldable and lighter to maneuver around the home

NordicTrack Cons

·         Need to pay for a subscription to get full potential of iFit Coach App

·          Heavy machine, not easy to move or assemble

Sole F80 Cons

·         Simple technical functions; no live videos

·         Shorter hand rails than other machines on the market

My Experience

  • In terms of fitness, both treadmills will successfully give users a great workout with a variety of options to choose from. The iFit Coach offers more exciting options such as the ability to run in Iceland, Koh Phi Phi, Utah, etc. but also requires a monthly subscription.
  • When it comes to moving the physical treadmills, the Sole F80 was much easier and lighter to push. The NordicTrack is definitely heavier due to its large, sturdy frame but with adequate space users may not need to move at all. This would be an important thing to consider if working in a small space or needing to move the treadmill daily.
  • Both treadmills have flex cushioning built into the running belt which make for a quieter, more cushioned run, allowing users to run and not disturb their neighbors.
  • The functions on the Sole are more basic, comparable to what most would see in an average gym, allowing beginners to easily get started. The NordicTrack requires a monthly subscription for iFit Coach and login, so some initial registering is required before users can start running.
  • Both treadmills have ample storage space for personal items such as keys, phone, remotes and water bottles.
  • I found the tablet holder on the NordicTrack slightly unnecessary as I assumed most users would be purchasing this treadmill with the intent of using the iFit Coach App in the monitor anyways. I also found the Sole F80 had too many buttons for increasing speed and incline (three different locations to do so) which I found unnecessary and just filling space.
  • I loved that both treadmills easily folded up to create more space in your home and were just as easy to bring back down when ready to work out again.
  • Both treadmills are around the same price point, which has great value for the functions they each offer.

In Conclusion

Both treadmills are high quality machines that successfully will help you get in shape with their various workout programs. Both machines offer an adequate amount of operating functions and elite features. The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 and the Sole F80 come in around the same price point allowing you to choose the treadmill right for you based on the main differences—iFit Coach or preset programs, maneuverability and modern aesthetics.

The NordickTrack includes the modern iFit App with Google Maps so the workouts are new, adventurous and detailed. The trainers on the iFit Coach App teach you about the location in which you are running which is a bonus feature to your regular run. The App also adjusts your incline and speed for you during different workouts creating a challenge for new runners and allowing you to feel like you are mimicking the terrain you are viewing. These features would appeal to experienced runners and those looking for a higher tech machine in general.

The SOLE F80 has more simple functions than the NorickTrack but is extremely user friendly. The 10 preset programs allow you to get a good workout in and continually increase your speed/incline as you progress. The multi-user option allows you to track your progress through the console or SOLE App, as well as your partner. While the SOLE model doesn’t have real life trainers or a touch screen, it is easy to operate and will still leave you dripping in sweat as you monitor your heart rate and calories burned.

I would recommend both of these treadmills for their unique qualities and durability. When selecting the machine that is right for you, you can consider the comparisons above and weigh the options of what you value most in your workout equipment. Regardless of treadmill choice, a healthier lifestyle is going to result when users put these machines to work!

Treadmill Vs. Cycle

Looking to get started with your fitness plan but aren’t quite sure where to begin? Asking yourself which is better, treadmill vs. cycle? Are both of these machines created equally in terms of the fitness benefits they bring?

The answer is yes, and no. The two machines aren’t exactly like but they do bring similar benefits. That said, they also have their differences too. This is why learning more about the treadmill vs. cycle will help ensure that you make the most informed decision which is right for you.

Here’s what you need to know.


Fat Burning PotentialVery HighHigh
Ability To Gain StrengthLowModerate
Sports Performance Improvements  HighModerate
Machine Durability LowHigh
Cost ModerateLow
Mimics Real Life Movements HighHigh


Now that you have that brief overview of the treadmill vs. cycle, let’s look at these in more detail.

Fat Burning Potential

First let’s consider the fat burning potential of both machines. The great news is that if fat loss is what you desire, you can see good results from either. The treadmill however, does inch ahead.

If you are doing a brisk paced run or a very steel incline walk, you will typically burn more calories doing this than you would if you were cycling.

It’s not abnormal to find people burning up to 10-12 calories per minute on a very fast run or 8-10 calories per minute if walking briskly on a steep incline.

This said, if you are just going for a casual jog or you are walking at a moderate pace on a moderate incline, expect your calorie burn to be more in the 4-6 range per minute.

When considering biking, intense cycling can usually land you around 8-10 calories per minute. You’d have to go incredibly hard at a very high resistance level to reach the 10-12 calories per minute mark, so for most people, this will simply be out of reach.

The average cyclist will burn quite a bit less than that, coming in at around 3-5 calories per minute. Cycling, by nature, doesn’t burn as many calories as running does at the same intensity because of the fact you’re sitting while doing it. So there is less overall stabilization muscles involved. This is the big difference in the calorie burn of the treadmill vs. cycle.

Ability To Gain Strength

Let’s now consider your ability to gain strength. Which wins out here? Here the cycle is the clear winner. With the treadmill, the only way you’re going to add resistance is by increasing the incline and even then, not that much resistance will really be added. It’s more going to work the calves than anything else. Your best shot at building more muscle using the treadmill is to perform sprint training, which utilizes very intense bouts of exercise that will call upon your fast twitch muscle fibers. By doing so, you’ll recruit more muscle building hormones in the body and may end up with a more chiseled physique (think sprinter versus marathon runner).

This said, running alone likely won’t get you that look. Most sprinters with their high amount of muscle mass are also performing quite an extensive amount of weight lifting as well.

Cycling on the other hand, does have you working against more resistance with each and every rep you take, so it can be quite good for building up your strength level. It will, however, only build this strength in the lower body, so that is something that you do need to consider. If you are looking for upper body strength, you simply aren’t going to find it here.

Sports Performance

If you are an athlete looking for a means of cross training, you’ll probably be wondering how the treadmill vs. cycle compares in terms of how well it’ll boost your sports performance.

Here you’ll likely find that you’ll gain more benefits from doing running or jogging than you will spinning. Simply because of the transferability. Most sports do require you to be running – basketball, baseball, soccer, and so forth, whereas no sport requires you to be cycling.

Both will help boost your cardiovascular endurance, which is also important for sport performance so you can reap benefits from both for sure, it’s just that you’ll get more of a carry over effect from the movement pattern of walking or running.

Machine Durability

If you’re going to invest money in a machine, you’re going to want to ensure that it lasts. Therefore, it’s a good idea to consider this factor as well. Machine durability should factor in as constantly doing repairs on a machine can get to be quite costly, so the total price of the machine would then change.

If choosing between the treadmill vs. cycle, you’ll definitely want to opt for the cycle here. Treadmills can be a bit more prone to breaking down as there are simply more parts and mechanisms that can become faulty. The belt can get worn, the motor may begin to break down, the elevation mechanism can fail. These will all need to be looked at by a skilled individual.

With the cycle however, you just don’t have these faulty parts, therefore there really isn’t much concern.


If budget is a driving factor for you, don’t overlook this. In terms of total cost of the machines, treadmills will come in higher. While you can certainly buy a bike that is more expensive than a lower model treadmill, when compare apples to apples in the same machine grade quality, you’ll find the treadmill is the pricier of the two.

So if you want fitness on the cheap, the cycle is your better bet.

Mimics Real Life Movements

Finally, also think about which one is going to best mimic real life movements. This means it carries over well into your day to day activities. Here, the treadmill wins out again.

We all walk through the course of the day. But how many of us cycle? Walking simply provides better benefits overall for our lifestyle activities we do. This said, if you are someone who climbs a lot of stairs over the course of the day, this may be reason to go with the cycle as it’ll help you gain more quad and hamstring strength compared to the treadmill.

So there you have a quick comparison of the treadmill vs. cycle. Both are great choices so think about which is most important to you and decide from there where you’ll invest your time.

Photo credit: nazarovsergey/Shutterstock; Duct/Shutterstock; ninikas/Shutterstock

Treadmill Vs. Bike Vs. Elliptical

It’s a showdown between the most popular pieces of fitness equipment out there: the treadmill vs. bike. Vs. elliptical. Which machine is the superior machine? Which will help you realize true success the fastest? Which should you be spending more of your time using?

It’s a hard question to answer, but by doing a comparison of the treadmill vs. bike vs. elliptical, you can hopefully get a better idea of precisely where you stand.

Treadmill Vs. Bike Vs. Elliptical Summary

Fat Burn HighHighModerate
Joint Impact LowHighModerate
Muscle StrengthModerateLowModerate
Variability HighModerateLow
Ease Of UseLowHighHigh
Boredom FactorLowModerateHigh


In order to properly evaluate these machines in comparison, let’s look at a few more details.

Fat Burning Potential

It’s the age-old question that everyone wants to know the answer to: which machine is going to burn more fat.

Hard question to answer and like most things in life, it depends. The very first question you need to ask yourself is which machine do you feel most comfortable using? Because chances are whichever machine you feel most comfortable using is the machine you will put the most effort into and therefore, will burn the most calories. If you feel awkward on a machine and it actually hurts your body in some way, it’s going to be hard to get to that level of fat burning that you desire.

But if you do happen to have two machines that you’d rank about equal in terms of how well you feel while on them, then let’s consider some points.

The elliptical works the upper and lower body. This makes it the king of fat burning. Any time you get more muscles involve, you are going to use more energy to complete each movement. So it ranks ahead of both the treadmill and the cycle.

Next we have the treadmill. If you are running at a brisk pace or doing interval sprints, you’ll be burning up calories quite readily on this as well. More so than you would on the bike.

The reason? The cycle has you sitting, therefore all those muscles in your core aren’t going to have to work as hard to get the job done. They can sit back and relax, more or less, thus this also drives your calorie burn down.

So if all machines are equal in terms of how comfortable you are on them, choose the elliptical, then treadmill, then cycle when looking for calorie burning ability.

Joint Impact

Now let’s consider joint impact. Which machine is going to be less taxing on the joint? The elliptical has been designed to be easy on the joints, so right away you know this machine earns good marks here. You have zero impact with this machine and since you aren’t even stepping (your feet stay placed in the foot pads at all times), you won’t have to worry about that either.

Therefore, choose the elliptical if you want to avoid joint pain. The treadmill is going to earn the worst marks as shin splints, knee pain, ankle pain, and low back pain are all too common amongst runners. If you choose to walk, you likely won’t feel pain quite as much, but if you choose to run, be prepared. The best you can do is increase mileage and/or time slowly and make sure you use good padded footwear to minimize joint pain.

The cycle is pretty easy on the joints. It’s non-impact, but your knees will move from a very bent to a very straight position multiple times each workout, so this can actually lead to grinding of the joints if you aren’t careful.

Muscle Strength

If you are someone who isn’t interested in strength training, it’s wise to consider which mode of cardio will help you gain the most strength since this is an important element of any home workout program. When looking at the treadmill vs. bike vs. elliptical, how do they stack up? Which is going to help you gain the most strength?

The treadmill offers very little resistance, so don’t expect to gain much strength here. Instead, consider the elliptical or the bike. The elliptical will help you gain strength in both the upper as well as the lower body, while the bike will focus primarily on the lower body. This said, the bike will help you build up your quads and hamstrings to a larger degree than the elliptical typically will, so if those are the muscles you want to target, the cycle should be your go-to.

If, on the other hand, your glutes are your main focus, try doing the elliptical on a high elevation. This will transform the elliptical into more of a stair climber, which is great for building the booty.

Sadly, uphill walking, despite being on an incline, comes in short. While it will help you gain some strength, it’s just not really having you work against the forces the other two are so you aren’t likely to see much carry over benefit to other activities.


Which machine offers the most variability? And why does this matter? It matters because it factors into determining how like you are to hit a progress plateau as well as how likely it is that you fall off the program entirely because you just don’t look forward to your workouts.

Changing things up is important so it’s wise to find a machine that will allow you to do so.

The elliptical wins out here. It allows you to go forward, backward, as well as on a steep or shallow incline. Form there, you can also increase the resistance level. This gives you plenty of options to create different workouts with.

The bike only allows you to pedal faster or increase the resistance while the treadmill allows you to go on an incline or increase your speed.

So while there is some variability, it’s simply not enough to create interesting workouts day after day after day and many people may find that they do become bored.

There is the information you need to know about the treadmill vs. bike vs. elliptical. While you can’t go wrong with any machine, choosing the elliptical is a wise move as it has many benefits to offer. But if you are a runner at heart, then you will likely respond better to the treadmill because this is what you enjoy the most. Likewise with cycling. Listen to your own needs and preferences too because those matter with long term adherence rates.

Photo credit: Mladen Zivkovic/Shutterstock; Goran Bogicevic/Shutterstock; Zodiacphoto/Shutterstock

Treadmill Vs. Stationary Bike: A Quick Comparison

Wondering what you should choose between the treadmill vs. stationary bike? Which has more to offer? Which will stand a better chance of getting you to your end goal?

Both of these machines are classified as cardio exercise equipment, but they each bring a different set of benefits to the table and are better for certain types of users. By matching your own needs, preferences, and desires to these machines, you can ensure that you are making a wise purchase decision.

After all, if you’re going to invest close to or over a thousand dollars in a machine, the last thing you want is for it to become an expensive clothes hanger.

Here are some quick comparisons between the treadmill vs. stationary bike that you’ll want to know.


 TreadmillStationary Bike
Good For BeginnersYesYes
Good for Advanced ExercisesYesYes
Good For Athletes YesYes
Good For Fat LossYesYes
Good For Muscle BuildingNoYes
Good For Older Adults NoYes


So from this chart, it would seem that both of these machines are quite similar and stack up nearly identical. But there are some further points you should know when making a good comparison between the treadmill vs. stationary bike.

Let’s take a look.

Good For Beginners

Both of these machines are great for beginners because both mimic a movement pattern that we’ve all done many times before – or most of us, anyway.

The treadmill allows for walking, which we do every single day and the stationary bike is like riding a bike, more or less.

Both will take a bit of time to get used to because you are on a machine, not out in everyday life, but the adaptation process is usually very quick and after one session, you’ve completely gotten the hang of it.

Both of these machines are also quite scalable, so you can easily make them easier to suit the beginners needs. With the treadmill, you’ll just put it on no incline and walk at a slower pace. This is great for anyone just starting and then as you progress, you can increase the speed or add some incline to the mix.

With the stationary bike, simply put it on a very low resistance level and pedal at a speed that’s comfortable for you. As you get stronger and fitter, you can then increase the resistance level up higher.

Good For Advanced Exercisers

Are both of these machines a good option for someone who is more advanced? They are. Advanced exercisers are people who are looking to get the most from their workouts so they need that ability to take it up to the highest intensity level.

With the treadmill, you can either walk very briskly (or even jog) at the highest incline level. This will without a doubt give you a great cardiovascular workout. You can also perform sprint training as well, however note that sprint training on treadmills tends to be less ideal because by the time the belt gets up to the full speed you want it at, your interval is almost over. So in terms of your ability to do sprints, the treadmill actually falls quite short.

With the bike, you can really crank the resistance level up higher, which will surely give the most advanced exerciser a good challenge. The bike is also better for doing sprint training on because the only thing that stands between you and your way of that sprint is the rate in which you are pedaling. You can change the resistance as well and the stationary bike will do a better job at increasing the resistance almost instantly, unlike the treadmill, which takes time.

Good For Athletes

Looking at athletics now, both machines will provide benefits for different reasons. The treadmill can help you build running endurance, which many sports require, so it can help you advance your performance in that regard.

The bike on the other hand though, is a good low-impact activity that can be used for cross training to build muscular endurance. If you are doing a high impact sporting activity, the last thing you might want is to go do more high impact exercise, especially if you’re someone who’s prone to joint pain.

Therefore, the bike will provide good relief in these cases. This is one reason why some athletes choose the bike over the treadmill. Even though they aren’t ever cycling while out on the court, field, or arena, it’s the low impact nature of it they like for their cross training activities.

Good For Building Muscle

Which now leads us to our next point, between the treadmill vs. stationary bike which is better for building muscle?

If lean muscle is what you seek, definitely opt for the stationary bike. The resistance you’ll get from this bike is simply so much higher, making it more ideal for anyone who wants to gain functional strength to add to their fitness level.

If you are consuming a hypercalorie diet, you might actually be able to build more muscle size too. Just look at the legs of most Olympic cyclists. While you may never get to quite that level with your training, it proves that cycling can support muscle growth. Do keep in mind these athletes are likely doing other activities as well. Cycling does make up the bulk of their fitness program however, so it will support these goals.

Good For Older Adults

Finally, which of the machines is a better bet for older adults? Here the answer is definitely the stationary bike. As you get older, you’ll typically find that joint pain is far more likely and you may even start suffering from osteoporosis. Therefore, the treadmill may be too painful to do. The bike is a great alternative. Since it’s low impact but you are still acting against resistance, thus it’s giving you that weight baring effect, it may help assist in actually increasing bone density and helping you build stronger bones.

It’s important for any older individual starting an exercise program to go slow however and build up your duration and resistance. Allowing the body to get used to this type of exercise and react to the stressors it brings will ensure that you can keep going injury free for many months to come.

So there you have the comparison between the treadmill vs. stationary bike. Both of these machines can certainly take your fitness level higher, help you burn fat, and potentially even gain strength and lean muscle mass. It’s how you use them that dictates the results you see. Consider your own personal preferences, goals and needs in a cardio machine and use this to help you make an informed purchasing decision.

Photo credit: Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock; Goran Bogicevic/Shutterstock; Sergey Nivens/Shutterstock

The Show-Down: Treadmill Versus Bike

Thinking about getting into some home cardio equipment? If so, that likely leaves you deciding which piece of equipment you want to buy. Treadmill vs. bike is a big debate that many people have with themselves as they aren’t fully sure where to invest their money. Both are definitely classified as great pieces of equipment to utilize, but which stands out above the other? Which piece of equipment will help you see the most optimal results?

With the treadmill, you get sky-high calorie burning potential and great cardiovascular benefits. With the bike, you’ll see enhanced lower body strength and power. Both can help with weight loss, so you’ll be safe there regardless of your choice.

So which is best?

Let’s take a look at help you settle the debate between treadmill vs. bike.



  • Excellent for burning calories
  • Great for those who aren’t looking to build muscle
  • Easy to use – very natural movement
  • Can provide more variation because you can walk and run
  • Is more focused on cardiovascular endurance than muscle strength/endurance


  • May lead to numerous injuries such as back pain, shin splints, twisted ankles, ankle pain, and so forth
  • Doesn’t do much to help build strength
  • Is very high impact in nature
  • Can break down more easily



  • Provides good cardiovascular as well as strength training benefits
  • Is ideal for those who are interested in increasing muscle power
  • Is non-impact, so great for those worried about joint pain
  • Is also quite a natural movement pattern


  • Only has one option – cycling
  • Knee pain may result due to the repetitive movement pattern called for on the bike
  • Some people may complain of low back pain or butt pain from sitting on the seat for so long
  • Is less than ideal for those who are looking to also work their upper body

A Closer Look

Upon taking a closer look, you may help make the decision between the treadmill vs. the bike more clear.

Injury Risk

Injuries are one of the most frustrating elements of being active so it’s normal to want to do everything you can to prevent them. This means considering the injury risk when you choose your mode of exercise. Certain types of exercises are far more likely to lead to injuries than others, so by planning ahead, you can minimize your chances.

Treadmills do pose a higher injury threat than bikes do. First, you could fall off. While rare, if it does happen, count yourself out for a while. Sprained ankles are also highly likely on the treadmill if you step on your foot funny, while on the bike, you’re strapped into to the pedals, so there’s no risk here.

Shin splints also tend to make an appearance in many runners lives and when this strikes, it can be a nagging injury that doesn’t go away for quite some time. This is another thing that cyclists do not face at all.

Running may also lead to joint pain – knee pain or back pain due to the intense forces coming down on the body with each step you take. It’s highly demanding and any time you are running, there’s a good chance that you will feel pain sooner or later. Walking perhaps not as much, but once you raise the intensity, injuries await.

It’s very rare to meet a runner who has never been injured.

With the bike, the real only injury you’ll potentially face is knee pain, which often comes about due to the repetitive nature of cycling or because one of your thigh muscles is stronger than the other and is pulling the knee in one direction.

With the bike you may also get saddle sores, which is essentially just soreness where the bike seat is constantly rubbing against the body, but this isn’t really an injury per say and can be fixed with a different bike seat or padded clothing to help reduce the pressure on these areas.

Ability To Burn Body Fat

Next, let’s consider the ability to burn off body fat. This is what everyone wants to know: treadmill vs. bike. Here, the treadmill wins out slightly. Simply because running, at a very intense pace will always burn more calories than cycling will.

This said, if you are walking versus cycling, it’s very likely at cycling will help you burn more so cycling wins out.

When thinking about which is better for fat loss, think about which type of exercise you can carry out at the highest intense more easily and which you can carry on longer without fatigue.

These will be the two factors that will dictate how many calories you burn per session, so need to be considered here when making you selection. It does you no good to burn 10 calories per minute running if you can only run for 3 minutes. 30 calories is no big calorie burn and when you drop down to walking, you’ll only be burning 3-4 calories per minute.

If you can cycle for 30 minutes at a good pace though burning 8 calories per minute, this is really going to add up to a much greater overall calorie burn effect – and thus, weight loss effect.

Program Options

Both machines will typically come with programmable options allowing you to change up your workout from time to time. You’ll see hill programs, fat burn programs, random programs, and so forth depending on the particular brand you purchase.

Both also allow you to adjust the speed and resistance/incline on your own, so you can technically create any program you desire as well.

The treadmill however, is the only machine that lets you do either walking or jogging, so this adds another element of variability. With cycling, you’re always cycling. So this may put the treadmill ahead slightly in terms of the total programming options you have available, and thus, the ability to progress.

Machine Durability

Finally, when thinking about machine durability, the bike definitely pulls out ahead. It’s quite rare for the bike to break down and require repairs, while treadmills do start failing with heavy use after not too long.

If you get a good quality treadmill it should last you for at least a year or longer but after that, with heavy use, the belt will likely become worn and the motor or the incline ability may start to falter. So keep this in mind when thinking about your total investment.


So there you have the primary points to know and remember about the treadmill vs. bike. Both are terrific options – you just need to figure out which is going to be the better choice for you based on your own unique set of preferences and goals.

Photo credit: Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock; aslysun/Shutterstock; Serghei Starus/Shutterstock; Poznyakov/Shutterstock

The Showdown: Treadmill Vs. Elliptical

Thinking about doing some cardio but not sure which machine to choose? If you are debating the treadmill vs. elliptical, there are some things to consider. Knowing what your specific goals are, what your unique body needs happen to be, and the types of programs you want to be doing will help you make an informed decision.

Both machines have great benefits, but drawbacks as well. The treadmill burns calories, helps you mentally check out, and is easy to use. But it’s high impact. The elliptical overcomes this barrier.

What are the main differences between the two machines? Let’s look at the pros and cons you need to know about so that you can decide how to best move forward.



  • Is an excellent way to burn body fat quickly
  • Can be done using slower, moderate sessions or faster, more intense workouts
  • Is ideal for those who want to hop on and go – no learning required
  • Provide good transfer benefits to everyday life
  • Is weight baring so can help you build stronger joints
  • Can build muscle in the lower body if done on a steep incline


  • Is high impact in nature, so this could lead to joint pain
  • Some people will find it boring after a while
  • The machine itself may require maintenance on an ongoing basis if you use it quite intensely
  • Injury risk is higher



  • Is a non-impact activity so perfect for those recovering from injury, currently suffering from joint pain, or who are older in age and want something that is more joint-friendly
  • Works both the upper and lower body at the same time
  • Helps build strength as well as muscular endurance
  • Enables you to form a variety of different workout program options
  • Is weight baring without the stress on the joints
  • Is adjustable to go forward or backward


  • Does take more coordination (some people just don’t feel comfortable on these machines)
  • You may find that your muscles tire out faster than your endurance does, or your upper body may fatigue quicker than your lower body
  • If you are very tall or short, you may not be able to use the machine as the stride length simply won’t work for you

Let’s take a look at this comparison between the treadmill vs. elliptical a little closer.

Effects On Body Composition

Both of these machines are known for helping to burn calories quickly, so there’s no doubt that you won’t have an issue losing weight with either of them. The elliptical does tend to put more stress on the muscles as you use it due to the resistance provided, therefore, it may help you maintain more lean muscle mass, especially while dieting. This can be very beneficial because it’s your lean muscle mass that keeps your metabolic rate where it needs to be, ensuring you can maintain your weight loss over the long haul.

Too much running, unless it’s sprinting, can actually promote the loss of lean muscle mass tissue, so that’s not what you want. Unless, of course, your desire is just to be thin all around.

Both machines, when done in a sprinting manner, can have remarkable benefits on boosting your resting metabolic rate and encouraging faster fat loss. This creates an effect known as EPOC, which stands for excess post exercise oxygen consumption.

Injury Risk Factors

Also take time to think about the injury risk factors in the treadmill vs. elliptical. The elliptical is designed to be a low injury machine as there is no impact that you would get with running. But yet, take note, this does not mean you will remain entirely injury free. In fact, if you do the elliptical enough – every day for a long while, you could very likely suffer from overuse injuries. Always remember that low impact does not mean injury free.

For some individuals, if the elliptical feels awkward to use and isn’t matching their body so well, it can actually increase their overall chances of injury. So keep that in mind.

But this said, the treadmill definitely presents risk of its own. Overuse injuries such as shin splints, sore knees, and low back pain are all too common in runners, especially distance runners. While there are many steps you can take to prevent these such as doing proper warm-ups, not ramping up mileage too quickly, and using a good of running shoes, the risk still does present itself.

And using the treadmill puts you at a risk of falling off the treadmill or twisting your ankle if you land on it in the wrong position, so those are two additional concerns to think about.

Program Options

One of the biggest things you must do when starting a cardio fitness program is figuring out ways to reduce boredom. Boredom is the factor that causes many people to fall off their program, thus fail to see results.

While some individuals are fine to just listen to music and that’s enough to combat their boredom, this is not enough for many. Finding a machine that has good programmable options is therefore key.

Both the treadmill and the elliptical pan out quite well here. You can adjust the speed in which you use either machine and also change the incline.

With the treadmill, you can go from a run to a walk, so you also have that versatility (which is a factor of speed). With the elliptical, you can either go in a forward based movement pattern or, if you want something different, you can go in a backward movement pattern instead. Both are again going to be terrific options to consider to liven up your program and work your muscles in a slightly different manner.

Giving your program this variety is what will help you ensure you don’t hit a dreaded progress plateau as well as it keeps your body guessing as to what type of exercise is coming next.

Machine Maintenance

Finally, think machine maintenance. The elliptical machine tends to be quite maintenance free, meaning you don’t really need to do much beyond purchase the machine. They rarely break down so you likely won’t have many ongoing costs.

This is not the case with the treadmill however. The treadmill belt often has to be replaced at some point during the lifespan of the treadmill, especially if you are running. The motor is also more likely to suffer problems as well as the incline feature.

This isn’t to say all treadmills break down. Especially if you purchase a high quality machine, there’s a very good chance you will get years of great use from it before running into issues.

But, if we look at treadmill vs. elliptical, the treadmill will be more prone to requiring repairs.


So there you have some of the key differences between the treadmill vs. elliptical. Both are terrific options and can certainly help you reach your goals when done on a regular basis. The most important thing is to choose a machine and commit to doing it, so that is the most critical factor to consider.

If you believe running is the best cardio exercise but hate doing it, don’t force yourself to get a treadmill. You’ll likely see better results with the elliptical because you’ll actually do the workouts more.

Photo credit: Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock; nd3000/Shutterstock; kurhan/Shutterstock

Treadmill Versus Rower: Which Is Superior?

Ever find yourself wondering which is better? The treadmill vs. the rower? Which machine should you devote your workouts to? There’s no question that when you hit the gym, you want to see optimal results as quickly as possible. You don’t have hours each week to exercise, so getting the best overall progress from every minute you put in becomes incredibly important.

Like most decisions in life, there are going to be pros and cons to each of these cardio methods. The treadmill is a great calorie burner, but not so great at keeping you injury free. The rower is low impact, but does require a bit more skill to perform.

Which is ideal? Let’s take a closer look at the comprehensive benefits so that you can figure out where you should devote your time.

Treadmill Vs. Rower – The Showdown

Below are the main pros and con’s of each of these machines to consider. Think about what you value most in your workout and let this guide your decision.



  • Great calorie burner
  • Can walk or run – your decision
  • Easily allows you to add resistance by going uphill
  • Is perfect for those looking to build endurance
  • Will promote a slim, streamlined physique
  • Is quite simple to get started with – no learning curve


  • Your injury risk can be quite high – back, knee, or ankle pain is quite likely
  • You may suffer from a mishap while using the machine such as falling off or rolling an ankle, which can take you away from the gym for weeks, or even months
  • Is a high impact activity
  • May not provide you with the muscle strengthening benefits you’re looking for
  • Is not ideal for preserving lean muscle mass tissue



  • Engages both the upper as well as the lower body
  • Gives a complete conditioning workout so is great for those who aren’t doing any other form of activity
  • Is non-impact
  • Burns a high number of calories
  • Can increase intensity by either increasing resistance or increasing speed
  • Is ideal for those who are hoping to build muscle while burning fat


  • May lead to a risk of knee or shoulder pain
  • Does have a bit of a learning curve to get used to the pattern of movement
  • Does not allow for ‘mindless’ exercise as well as the treadmill does

Let’s look at some of these in more detail.

Injury Risk

The first point to look at when considering the treadmill vs. rower is the injury risks associated with each of these movements. Here, the treadmill does come out ahead. There are just simply more ways that you could potentially injury yourself while on a treadmill compared to a rower.

Not only do you have that high impact nature acting against you, potentially threatening your joints and bones, but you also have the risk of rolling an ankle or worse, falling off the treadmill entirely.

For those who like to push their limits and do very intense sprint training, don’t bypass the fact that rolling an ankle can be quite likely!

The rowing machine can definitely lead to overuse injuries if it’s performed too often with not enough rest time in between, but usually the risk of these injuries is quite low. Most often people don’t have too many problems.

Body Composition Changes

Now let’s consider the body composition changes you can expect to take place. While both of these methods of cardio training are excellent at boosting your daily calorie burn, doing a high volume of each of them is unlikely to lead to the same result.

Case in point, take a close look at a marathon runner and a rower. Do they have similar bodies? Not at all! The marathon runner is usually quite thin and gaunt looking while the rower is more muscular and chiseled. This is thanks to the fact that running doesn’t have you working against much resistance, while rowing does. Therefore, rowing integrates more muscle power into the mix, enabling you to retain and build muscle better.

The only exception to this rule is if you happen to be a sprinter. If you are doing intense sprint training on your treadmill and that’s it, then you will likely find that you can develop more of that muscular base that you’re after.

So ask yourself, what look do you want here? If you aren’t interested in building much muscle and just want to be thin, then jogging is probably a terrific option for you.

If, on the other hand, you want that athletic look where you have muscular shape to your body, rowing is what will deliver.


In terms of running a program on both machines, you’ll find the treadmill a bit easier here. The nice thing with the treadmill is that you can either choose between walking or running. So on your off days from running, you could just walk as a easy workout that gives your body a break from the pounding. It’s a bit of a different movement pattern as well, so can ward off overuse injuries quite well.

On the flip side though, if you are rowing, you can’t do anything but row, so you’ll likely have to take time completely away from the machine on your off days.

The treadmill also gives you a bit more versatility in what types of workouts you can do. You can do a slow walking workout, a fast walking workout, an incline walking workout, a mix of incline walking and jogging, a jogging workout, a sprinting workout, an uphill sprinting workout – there are many different combinations that can be done.

With rowing, you can either do a slow row, a high resistance row, a fast row, or a combination of those. There aren’t quite as many options for creating your own programs so if you are someone who gets bored from time to time, then you’ll want to go this route instead.

Continually changing your workout program around is going to be critical to seeing ongoing results, so this is something that can’t be overlooked.


Finally, also think about things from a practicality standpoint. Which transfers over to your everyday life better? Here, the treadmill will be the answer for most people. Unless you are doing a lot of rowing type of movements in your profession, you’ll simply get greater bang for your buck from becoming more proficient in walking and running. Building up your endurance in these two modalities is great for everyday life and keeping your body active and in motion.


So there you have the main points to know about the treadmill vs. rower. Both are excellent pieces of equipment and will without a doubt serve you well, so you really can’t go wrong with either.

It all comes down to selecting the one that you feel will best help you establish excitement in your workout and capture the specific goals you are hoping to reach. Spend some time thinking about these factors along with your injury risk potential before making your purchase and you will make an informed decision that will have you enjoying your workout sessions for months to come.

Photo credit: Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock; By Maksym Bondarchuk/Shutterstock; Lucky Business/Shutterstock; VGstockstudio/Shutterstock

Treadmill Versus Elliptical Vs. Bike

Looking to get in shape but not quite sure how you are going to achieve that? The great news is you have plenty of options. There are many different pieces of fitness equipment out there that can help you get to your end goal, so your mission needs to be about figuring out which is the best one for you.

The treadmill has a number of great benefits such as being an excellent calorie burner and easy to use, while the elliptical adds the fact it brings the upper body into play to the list. The bike is great for those who want to build explosive power, so once again, is a good option for many.

So which should you choose? Let’s look at how these all stack up so you can determine for yourself which you prefer.


Calorie Burn ModerateLow-HighHigh
Muscles WorkedQuads, Hamstrings, Glutes, CalvesQuads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves, CoreBack, Chest, Arms, Shoulders, Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves, Core
Progression Model Adding resistance and speedAdding incline and speedAdding elevation and speed
Injury RiskLow to moderateHighLow
Machine Durability HighLowModerate
Strength Building PotentialHighLowModerate
Joint ImpactLowHighLow
Easy To UseVery EasyEasyModerately Challenging
Ability To AdvanceModerateHighHigh
Exercise Variability LowHighHigh


Let’s look at these in more detail so you can see how they really stack up.

Calorie Burn

When looking at the calorie burn, we come to see that the treadmill and the elliptical are the clear winners here. Both of these pieces of cardio equipment are excellent for burning calories and helping you lose weight. The elliptical is perhaps the best calorie burner of them all because it is the one that brings the upper body into the mix. The more muscles you work in any given moment, the faster you’ll be burning calories.

Therefore, assuming you are working at a similar intensity, the elliptical is the one that will burn the most calories overall.

Progression Model

When it comes to progression, all machines will obviously offer you the ability to progress. With all of these machines, you will either increase the overall speed in which you are working or you will increase the level of resistance in some way.

With the bike, it’s a direct resistance increase. With the treadmill, you increase the elevation so it’s like you are going up a hill. With the elliptical, you actually have two methods of increase. You can either increase the elevation you are working at (so it’s like you are climbing up stairs rather than running) OR you can increase the resistance level you are working at.

Therefore, if you are someone who likes to have good variety and see results, the elliptical may actually be a better bet for you because of this.

Injury Risk and Joint Impact

Considering injury risk is important because if you find yourself injured, you are going to be in the position to be making no progress at all. Better to be safe than sorry, should be the motto for most.

In terms of injury risk, the treadmill definitely is the highest. With the treadmill, you could twist an ankle, fall off the machine, suffer shin splints, get back pain, experience sore knees, and the list goes on. It’s a very high impact machine therefore the potential for pain is also quite great.

The bike offers low injury risk. You may get a sore bottom from sitting on the seat for so long and knee pain could result if you are doing too much biking or try to advance too quickly, but other than that, injuries tend on the bike tend to be rather minor.

The elliptical offers an even lower injury risk yet. This machine was designed to be low impact and to help those who have either suffered from injury or are rehabilitating from one, so it’s a machine you should feel quite comfortable using.

Machine Durability

You might also want to take into account how durable the machines are. The last thing you want to do is invest a thousand dollars or more only to find the machine is breaking down on you.

While any good machine should hold up for quite a while, repairs do need to happen with enough use. Generally speaking, treadmills have the potential for breakdown the most.

There’s just so much that can go wrong with them. The belt can get worn, the motor can break down, the ability to incline can go. This all could be cause for bringing in a repair technician.

The bike has a low breakdown potential as it tends to run smoothly most of the time and the elliptical is also quite good for durability, however with enough use, you may find you need repairs as well.

A good idea if buying an elliptical or a treadmill is to make sure that whatever model you do invest in, comes with a good warranty model.

Strength Building Potential

Let’s talk strength. Which machine is going to have the best strength building potential? Here the bike and the elliptical win out. If you want pure lower body strength, choose the bike. If you want balanced strength and to be able to do away with a strength training routine, try the elliptical.

The treadmill unfortunately won’t build much strength at all, so if that’s your goal, you should try something else instead.

Easy To Use

The good news is that all of these machines are quite easy to use so are perfect for beginners who are just getting started. This said, the bike does tend to be the easiest as the movement pattern done on the bike will be very similar to what’s done in real life on an actual bike.

The treadmill is also quite similar, but some people do require some time to get used to that belt moving beneath them. The elliptical however can take some time. It’s not going to take too much time that a beginner couldn’t learn how to use it, but it may take an extra day or two to get used to.

So there you have some direct comparisons of the three different machines. Which one is right for you? Which fits your goals the best? Remember, you always also factor in which one you enjoy the most because this is going to have a huge impact on your ability to stick with your program.

Photo credit: Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock; Alexander Raths/Shutterstock; Brian A Jackson/Shutterstock; Nutthaseth Van/Shutterstock

Running On The Treadmill Versus Running Outside – Which Is For You?

If you’re a runner at heart, one question that may go through your mind from time to time is the age old debate of running on the treadmill vs. running outside. Which is the better option? Is there a better option? Or is it simply personal preference?

There is no doubt that personal preference comes into play. If you love running outside and will never skip and outdoor run but always talk yourself out of doing a treadmill session, without a doubt you need to be running outside. Just doing the run is the most important thing.

But if you could really go either way, then there are other factors you’ll want to think about to help guide your decision over what to do.

Running out side feels free – you get to experience the fresh air on  your face and actually see yourself moving over a distance while when you run on the treadmill, you’re essentially in one spot, going nowhere. But, you don’t to deal with weather limitations, so that’s one big benefit that you can’t overlook.

Let’s take a closer look at a comparison between the question of running on the treadmill versus running outside so that you can get a better idea of which is best for you.

Running On The Treadmill


  • Controllable climate
  • Can run any time
  • Smooth, flat surface
  • Control over incline
  • Control over speed
  • Time visibility
  • Programmable
  • Less risk of injury due to uneven terrain
  • Easy to progress program
  • Greater shock absorption


  • Some may find it boring and monotonous
  • Doesn’t exactly stimulate ‘real life’ because the belt is under you
  • Treadmills can break down

Running Outside


  • The great outdoors will never break down, causing you to miss a run
  • Get to experience scenery
  • May feel more accomplished after doing your run
  • More natural in feel since you are actually running
  • Change in terrain may naturally produce progression depending on the routes you choose


  • Less controllable – you can’t adjust your speed or incline precisely to ensure progression is made
  • Greater risk of injury if you land on a divot in the road
  • Have to watch for traffic and other pedestrians
  • May not feel safe running late at night or early in the morning
  • Weather is uncontrollable
  • May put you at a greater risk of joint pain

A Deeper Look

Looking at these closer, we see there are some very clean benefits as well as drawbacks to each. Let’s take a look.

The Location Limitations

The location limitation provides a few drawbacks, but depending on how you look at it, can also be a pro as well. If you love the outdoors, you’ll see the location as a benefit. But, running outside does present some pretty big drawbacks.

First, if it’s pouring rain or a heavy snowfall, you likely aren’t going to be doing much running. Second, if it’s pitch black outside and 11 pm at night, you may not feel comfortable doing a run outside.

But, if you have a treadmill sitting in your house that’s dry and secure, you can easily hop on and go for a run if this is the only time you’re able to that day. You aren’t going to be at all limited by the location and environment. Think about your year-round climate before making your decision. If you have a few months of warmer, summer weather and that’s it, don’t be unrealistic in your decision to run outside.

Injury Risk

Another thing to consider is your injury risk. One nice thing about treadmills is that there is cushioning built into the belt, so you won’t be as likely to experience knee, back, or ankle pain while running due to impact. It takes some of the high impact nature of running away from you.

This said, the treadmill presents its own potential injury risks. What if you don’t step completely on the belt, stepping half on and half off? This could very easily result in a sprained or even broken ankle depending on how you land on it.

Likewise, what if you fall off the treadmill altogether? While you may laugh at the thought of this thinking it’s only something that happens in the movies, it’s not. There is always that possibility. ]

Contrast this to outside, where the terrain is far more uneven, especially if you aren’t running on a side walk and there’s the possibility of rolling an ankle if the ground beneath you isn’t completely flat.

Even on the sidewalk, you could accidentally step on a rock, which could have you putting a great deal of stress down on that ankle joint when it’s in an unnatural position.

Running, by nature, is a higher impact activity so you’ll always be at risk for joint pain and shin splints, but choosing the treadmill may minimize the risk provided you feel very secure running on the treadmill.


Progression is another consideration. The treadmill wins out here for sure. With the treadmill, you have direct control over the speed and incline and can change them at a whim while you watch the seconds tick away.

Outside, you have zero control over incline, however you can control your speed. But, you don’t now the precise speed you are running at. You only know faster or slower in general.

Likewise, while you can wear a stop watch, you have to either set it to beep if doing intervals (which means you can’t listen to music as you run), or be constantly checking it to see how much time has passed.

It’s simply easier to ensure progression from session to session when using the treadmill.  Outside of course you can just focus on running a longer distance and that’s fine, but that assumes that you are just training for distance, not necessarily speed.


So there you have the facts to know about running on the treadmill vs. running outside.  Each and everyone will have their preference. The good news is that you can purchase a treadmill to have in your home for those times when you want to ensure you are making progress or when the weather isn’t ideal and still go outside as you choose. Running outside is free so there is no limitation to doing so apart from your own desire to actually get out there and get going. Spend some time figuring this out however so that you can get a clear idea of which set-up is best for you and which will help you reach your own goals as desired.

Photo credit: Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock; ostill/Shutterstock; lzf/Shutterstock; Pressmaster/Shutterstock
