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Simple Steps To Combat Chronic Overuse Injuries

Have an overuse injury that’s constantly getting you down? If so, you need to take into account what you’re doing with your workout programs, how you’re approaching your recovery, and what you can do to improve both of these so that your injury risk is much lower.

Many people do suffer from chronic overuse injuries, especially if they are involved in longer duration cardio training activities, so it’s one thing to pay attention to.

Here are your quick tips to follow.

Perform Cross Training

The very first and best way to avoid chronic overuse injuries is to simply back away from the exercise causing it. This is pretty self-explanatory yet most people aren’t taking advantage of this strategy.

If you’re a runner for instance, consider cycling a couple days per week. You’ll still work your cardiovascular system but you will give the running muscles a break as well as decrease the high level of pounding taking place on your joints.

Have One Day Off Per Week

Next, you also want to make sure that you are giving yourself enough rest time in general. This means taking at least one day off from exercise at all times throughout the workout week. Those who exercise seven days in a row are just asking for injury, so review your schedule and make sure enough down time is there.

If you’re doing much longer duration sessions lasting over an hour, such as if you’re training for a marathon for instance, you may require two full days off instead.

Strengthen The Muscles Involved

The next step to avoid chronic overuse injuries is to make sure that you are strengthening the muscles that are involved in the activity you are doing.

If you’re someone who is running for instance, you’ll want to make sure to perform strength training exercises for the quads, hamstrings, and glutes along with the core muscles.

Rowing? Hit the back muscles hard as well as the biceps and quads.

Pinpoint what major muscle groups are worked in your activity of choice and then construct a proper strength training protocol to perform two days per week for optimal results.

Practice Active Rest

Finally, last but not least, remember to practice active rest. This means keeping active during the day so that your muscles aren’t as likely to get tense and tight. Get up and walk around if you have a desk job or go for a light walk in the evening.

Doing so is going to keep the blood flowing throughout the tissues, improving your rate of recovery.

So there you have some quick and simple tips to avoid injuries as you go through your training. What have you been doing to stay pain-free?

To learn some further injury busting exercises, see this article.

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