• Have you ever wondered what social media is doing to your brain?
  • Why is a 'like' so damn addictive?
  • Is Instagram FOMO a bigger problem than you'd realised?
  • This is the science behind social media...

When I found out I’d been offered my first journalism job on this website three years ago, I did three things. I jumped up and down for approximately 15 minutes; I phoned my parents; and then I drafted a Facebook post announcing my good news. In that order.

“It may have taken me months and months (and months) but I finally have journalism employment at Cosmopolitan!!” I wrote. “I cannot wait to be a real person of the world with a FULL TIME JOB.”

The motivation for sharing my new employment status with my 900+ online ‘friends’, most of whom I hadn’t interacted with in real (or virtual) life for at least two years? So people could see I’d achieved something. I’d got my dream job, and I wanted to be congratulated for it in the form of likes and comments.

"I was more interested in my likes than I was in my date"

It just so happened that on the evening of that same post, I had a first date. In fairness he wasn’t really my type, but I specifically remember being more interested in the virtual likes that were rolling in than I was in the real-life approval of the real-life man sitting next to me at the bar.

But is there anything wrong with craving that virtual attention? Is it so different to the approval we seek in every day life? We decided to find out how the ever-growing power of a like is really impacting us mentally and, perhaps more surprisingly, physically.

Drunk in Likes

There’s a very simple reason a like on social media feels so good. It gives us a high - a real, physiological high - and it’s fundamentally the reason we keep going back to it.

“It’s a reward cycle, you get a squirt of dopamine every time you get a like or a positive response on social media,” explains psychologist Emma Kenny, who I cornered with my questions and concerns about what happens when the ‘likes’ game gets out of hand.

How likes on social media are really affecting your mental healthpinterest

“It’s like a hit, similar to the way you feel when you have a drink. The social media like triggers that reward cycle and the more you get it, the more you want it,” she says of the theory that’s been scientifically researched in depth.

In fact, a recent study confirmed the same brain circuits that are activated by eating chocolate and winning money are also switched on when we see large numbers of likes. Feeding into that, the study also showed that seeing likes on a stranger’s post made participants of the study engage more with it, in a ‘follow the crowd’ kind of mentality. It becomes a vicious cycle.

Oversharing's caring

But it’s not just good news flooding our feeds. What about the losses, the failures, the race to share the remarkably un-happy moments? With dopamine mainlining itself from phone to brain, some people are just as keen to share the difficult sides of their life as they are the highlights.

This, says Kenny, isn’t necessarily a bad thing. “For life events like grief, sharing it online can be an empathic experience,” she says. “By posting it online you don’t need to tell anybody else, everyone knows, and the people who care enough will get in contact. It can be really cathartic to have people reaching out and supporting you.”

#IRL (In Real Life Like)

That’s all well and good in certain times of need, but what happens when virtual likes become more important to a person than being liked in real life?

“I have, and often still do, delete pictures if they’re not popular enough,” Cosmopolitan UK staffer Lucy admits. Back in the days when Instagram used to list usernames as opposed to a number when a post received less than 11 likes, she recalls how she’d delete any picture that didn’t make it to 11. “I guess I felt like it looked a bit tragic,” she explains.

instagramView full post on Instagram

And what’s interesting is that, for Lucy, it’s not whether she deems a picture to be good or not that determines whether it stays or goes. It’s all down to her followers’ response. “There was a time I uploaded a selfie three times and deleted each one. I thought my hair looked amazing but the Instagram world clearly didn’t agree,” she says.

Emma Kenny notes that behaviour like this comes about when a person starts believing that other people’s opinions are facts. “It’s worrying, because the whole point of being happy is about being happy in your moment, with your life, with your truth,” she said.

"If you believe that other people’s opinions are facts, your self-esteem will be low"

“If you believe that other people’s opinions are facts, your esteem will be low, your confidence will be terrible and you’ll constantly seek approval. If you’re somebody who deletes posts because they’re not getting the reinforcement, that plays into all of those negatives,” she explains.

Lucy recognises this in herself. “Ultimately it comes down to what other people think of me and how they see me,” she admits. “I just want to be liked. But really, I don’t think anybody cares about what I post as much as I do.”

Lucy makes a good point; how much does anyone really care about what they ‘like’ on Facebook and Instagram? How much attention do we actually pay to the content we’re virtually appreciating?

What’s in a like?

Comedian Zach Broussard proved this in an interesting social experiment he carried out two years ago. Despite having a long-term girlfriend of several years, he set up a fake engagement shoot and posted a photograph of him ‘proposing’ to a complete stranger – a model he’d hired for the purposes of the experiment – on social media. He got hundreds of likes on the post from his so-called friends, and was baffled that no-one seemed to notice a key point: it wasn’t his partner in the photo.

His experiment proves that, for most people, clicking the ‘like’ button is a fairly thoughtless action. Why, then, if the likes we give are sent with such little meaning, do we hold the likes we receive in such high regard?

It’s a kind of double standard, and is something psychologist Emma Kenny puts down to narcissism. Basically, we all have an inherent belief that we’re more important than anyone else. It’s human nature.

“We interpret the things that affect us differently to the things that affect others,” she explains. “If people like your posts, you believe it’s because they have meaning. If you like theirs, a lot of the time it’s just because you feel like it’s the correct behaviour to display.

“There’s a little bit of us that thinks our posts are more interesting than everyone else’s, and so we believe the response we get is genuine and authentic. Even if the one we’re giving isn’t.”

So what is this doing to us?

Social media certainly has its benefits; it can create opportunities, help people to maintain relationships and can also prevent loneliness for people who might otherwise be very isolated. But used in the wrong way, social media can cause a multitude of mental health and self-esteem issues.

A recent report suggests that there’s a risk it can actually increase loneliness in certain circumstances; more than two hours of social media use a day, the study found, doubled the chances of a person experiencing social isolation rather than reducing it.

“With young women, the pursuit of perfection is becoming a major problem,” says Kenny. “When you’re reliant on social media, it can increase insecurity issues and create a sense of paranoia. It can increase depression and enable us to feel like other people’s lives are so much better than ours.

“It teaches us to externally gaze into worlds that we cannot change and have no impact or power over, instead of internally gazing into our own worlds which we have complete control and power over.

“Instead of using it for a tool of aspiration, positivity and motivation, we use it against ourselves. We believe we are less than, have less than, and will be less than everyone else, because we can see all these other opportunities out there that we’re not able to engage in.”

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And that's the problem; while social media provides a short term high, it’s often then followed by a crashing low. Stephen Buckley, Head of Information at mental health charity Mind, explains: “While low self-esteem isn’t in itself a mental health problem, the two are closely linked. Low self-esteem could in turn contribute to depression or other mental health problems, so it is vital to use social media safely, and recognise when it might it might be having a negative impact on your mental health,” he says.

“If you’re feeling vulnerable or are spending too much time on social media, it might be worth taking a break for a bit or set aside some time each day to do something else like reading a book or doing some physical exercise.”

The online world is one of virtual reality, not actual reality; and while it can put on a good show when it comes to catering to the social interaction we innately crave as human beings, it’s nothing in comparison to the real thing. We’ve psychologically trained ourselves to become dependent upon positive reinforcements from online sources, which impact our mood and influence our behaviour. But if we all put as much effort into our real life interactions as we did our online ones, who knows? Maybe we’d find ourselves a whole lot better off.

Mind’s guide on how to stay safe online has advice on how to balance online and offline activity adequately.

Follow Cat on Instagram (seriously, I need the likes).

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