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Great Vegetarian Protein Sources

Considering adopting a vegetarian diet plan? If so, you aren’t alone. With more people realizing the potential benefits of eating in this manner, they’re making the decision to go the vegetarian lifestyle.

But, before you do, make sure that you take some time to educate yourself on the best sources of protein available. If you aren’t getting enough protein in, you’ll be at risk for low energy, muscle mass loss, and a weakened immune system.

Fortunately, it’s easier than you think. You’ll want to aim for around 0.8 grams of protein per kg of body weight each day. Let’s look for some of the best sources to consider.

Hemp Seeds

Not only are hemp seeds a great source of the omga-3 fatty acids that most people fall short in, but they’re also very high in complete protein as well. They’ll contain 160 calories per two tablespoon serving and of that, you’ll get 11 grams of protein.

Of all nuts and seeds, this is the highest pick for optimal protein.

Cottage Cheese

If you are a lacto vegetarian, cottage cheese should be on your daily diet plan. This is another rich source of protein, and will also provide some calcium for strong bones as well.

You’ll gain around 28 grams of protein per one cup serving, taking in 163 calories in the process. Cottage cheese can be salty however, so just look for a low salt variety or consider cutting back your sodium intake in other meals to balance your daily intake.

Navy Beans

Beans are an important part of any healthy vegetarian diet as they’ll not only provide protein, but also supply you with complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber as well.

Navy beans are a great option with a 4 oz serving providing 88 calories and around 8 grams of protein. It’s also a complete source of protein as well, making it ideal for vegetarian diets.

Black Walnuts

A nut to consider adding to your daily diet plan is black walnuts, which contain 7 grams of protein per ounce and will provide 173 calories total.

Nuts are calorie dense, so just be sure that you are monitoring how much you eat in order to keep your calorie intake in balance.

Walnuts are another great source of omega-3 fatty acids, so an important part of a vegetarian diet. Unless you are a pescetarian and consume salmon, you’ll likely be falling low in this nutrient as well.

Egg Whites

Finally, for the lacto-ovo vegetarians out there, eggs and egg whites are another fantastic source of protein that can’t be missed.

Egg whites are great as they are virtually 100% protein content, which you won’t find in many other vegetarian friendly protein sources. For those seeking fat loss, they’ll provide you with fewer calories and that high dose of protein you need.

If you aren’t on as strict of a calorie intake, adding an egg yolk into the mix is a very wise move. Egg yolks contain the vast majority of the nutrition in the egg, so you don’t want to chuck them whenever possible.

Scramble up one egg and with four egg yolks and you’ll have a high protein and very nutritious breakfast on your hand.

So there you have a few of the top vegetarian protein sources to consider. Make sure that you are taking the time to plan your daily diet to ensure that you are getting enough in. Too many vegetarians miss the mark on this important nutrient.


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